The beach house part 2

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Carla paced the house, angrily

"Where is she Barry? How could you let her go alone?"

"Don't blame Barry. It's not his fault"

"Iris, this is none of your business so please don't talk, and don't tell me what I can or can't do"

Carla looked out of the window 

"She's all alone out there. I doubt she even remembers this area. I hope she's ok. Please god, let nothing happen to my daughter"

"Aunty, you know what Caitlin is like. She can get herself out of any situation. She doesn't need anyone's help. She is smart and independent and strong. It's one of the things I love best about her"

Iris head quickly shot up as she realised what Barry had said. Fortunately, Barry was saved from explaining by the knock on the door

"Caitlin, thank goodness. What happened? Where have you been?" asked Carla, as Caitlin hobbled in leaning on some mans arm

Barry saw this and instantly went over and offered his other arm. Together they put Caitlin on the sofa

"Caitlin, who's this? And what the hell happened to your foot?"

"Mum, it's ok. Please stop worrying. I'm fine"

"You call this fine? You can't even walk"

"I'm ok. I just twisted my ankle whilst running. Nothing major"

"Look, I'd better go. But you remember don't push yourself to hard. You were lucky this time nothing major happened, but take it easy in the future"

Carla and Caitlin thanked him as he left

"Are you sure that you are ok?"

"Yes mum. I just need to soak my ankle in hot water. It'll be fine by tomorrow"

Carla turned to go, but nearly collided with Barry 

"Careful. We don't want it to spill"

"Barry, what's this?"

"What does it look like? Hot water in a bucket so you can soak and massage your ankle"

Barry put the bucket in front of Caitlin, who cautiously put her leg in. Barry washed and massaged her ankle. She gripped his hand as pain shot through her, as he massaged it. I must have hurt it more then I thought she realised. Barry put some cream on it, and wrapped it

"Now don't try anything funny. Just rest it today. Don't attempt to walk on it for at least 24 hours"

"Yes doctor Barry"

"I'm being serious Caitlin"  

As soon as Barry's back was turned, Iris went for her

"Great Caitlin. Thanks to you, we're all stuck in the house today"

"How is it my fault? I'm the one who's injured, not you. I'm not stopping anyone. If you want to go out, be my guest"

"You would love that, wouldn't you? Make us go out, and have Barry to yourself"

"Oh, not this again. For the last time, it's not my fault Barry's not into you. I've been gone for ages, you had plenty of time to make him yours, but haven't you realised by now that he doesn't want you?"

"I suppose you think he wants you"

"I couldn't care less. I've moved on after everything. Your welcome to him. But one thing, throwing yourself at men is not a good look. It makes you look desperate"

Caitlin angrily got up and tried to walk on her foot

"Argh" she yelled, slipping straight into Barry's arms. Barry just stared at her. It was just like old times

"Caitlin, I told you not to put pressure on the foot"

"Barry, I'm fine. You need to sort your girlfriend out. She needs her head examined"

Caitlin hobbled upstairs, with the help of her mum. Carla gave her some clothes to change into, seeing as hers from this morning were all soaked. After changing, Carla tucked Caitlin into bed

"Try to get some rest"

Caitlin tried to sleep, but her ankle hurt. She look at it and saw it had really swollen up and was bright red. She didn't realise how bad it was, until now. She lightly managed to put some weight on it, and hobbled downstairs 

"I thought I told you to rest"

"I can't mum. It hurts too much"

Carla went over and massaged her ankle, and then gave her some painkillers 

"Now remember to keep it elevated"

Whilst everyone was busy doing their own thing, Iris came up to Caitlin 

"Happy now?"

"Now what have I done?" Caitlin sighed 

"Because of you and your foot, Barry wanted to stay in and not do anything with me"

"For the last time iris, Barry and I are over. His decisions are nothing to do with me. Have you ever thought that maybe he doesn't want to spend time with you?"

"What magic have you done on him, that after all this time and despite what you did, he still pines for you? What have you got that I haven't?"

"I'll answer that" said Barry, sitting down next to Caitlin, "iris she's everything that you are not. She's kind, has a good heart, is friendly. The exact opposite of you"

"Barry, I don't know why you're wasting your time. Especially after what she did. How can you still love her after everything?"

"Maybe I just enjoy being a fool, loving someone who I have no chance with"

"Look, you two. Go and have your lovers tiff elsewhere. I'm trying to sleep"

Caitlin lay on the sofa, watching Barry and iris. Iris looked so desperate and cheap, had she learnt nothing? Caitlin watched as she threw herself at Barry, and Barry kept pushing her away. She couldn't believe what Barry had just done. He had proclaimed his love for her in front of everyone.  Caitlin wanted to return his feelings, but too much time had passed, and his parents would make her life a nightmare, especially after everything. She would have to bury these feelings and protect herself 

Duff duff duff. Poor Caitlin. As always feedback appreciated 

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