Chapter 13

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The woods surrounding their spot was once again interrupted with the flashing of police lights and criss-crossed with crime scene tape.

This time, both Forrest and Opal sat leaning onto the car while officers took their statements.

The Beast of Brookville, under their noses this whole time. The hit and runs, the murdered motorist, the bloody button in Forrest's truck - all his mother.

Forrest had to admit he was relieved it hadn't been his own blackout alter ego murdering families, but the feeling that it could have been still haunted him. His own mother, she'd graduated from ruining her own family to decimating others - and John, the man that had always been kind to him, always been there for him, was in danger all along and Forrest did nothing to help protect him. I should've known.

"Forrest?" The EMT walked over from the ambulance as their partner finished hooking up the Sheriff, "Forrest we are about to take your dad to the hospital, if you want to come it needs to be now" The Sheriff had been shot in the shoulder, luckily doding the other shots that Ann had aimed for him.

"I...I'll drive myself, thank you" he said as he looked around, he couldn't leave Opal and John, not after all this. Plus he didn't know what he'd do alone with his father. Forrest didn't know to what extent his father had tried to cover things up for him, but he was afraid of what he would say, his inhibitions weakened by exhaustion now that the adrenaline had faded.

Forrest looked over to the road, police cruisers blocked the view of his mother's body, covered in white sheeting. As the ambulance pulled away, he realized his family was no more. The Kelley's had always felt more like family than his actual parents, and now that felt more true than ever. 

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