If you were pregnant ¯\_(o-o)_/¯

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Edd💚: I think he might die from joy-! LIKE MY BOI IS SO HAPPY he jumps on you and cuddles you when you tell him/ he finds out but then gently back away saying sorry bc he didn't mean to hurt you or something like that. He's really happy and can't wait to have a little kid to hang out with ☺️

Matt💜: he's so exited he being you to go baby shopping- like MY BOI AHHHHH— he WONT stop talking about to anyone edd, Tom, tord we're the first to hear (that is if tord hasn't moved already) your and his family were messages and then just like people if they asked if you were okay etc you were just sitting in the couch or something as he was doing all of this knowing you can't stop him as you just enjoy him being so happy- of and obviously after when he finishes he cuddles with you talking to you about what to call if it was a girl or a boy~~

Tom: at first he wouldn't be too happy- if it wasn't planned-! But if it was he would be vibrating-!! Buttt~ going back to it not being planned he would keep on asking if your sure you pregnant to the point you weren't sure he wanted this at all so you told him if he really RESLLLYYY didn't want to have a kid you would deport- or put it for adoption (I would very so that but idk what you guys would do-?) so he things about it he decides to keep it and he start to think about it in depth and it really happy and he even stop drinking a bit more because he wants to be there to look after the baby~ he's really caring towards you little upset that he can't or you won't have smex with him know your pregnant but he's happy anyway and takes great care of you (to the point it kinda annoys you- he does let you have what your craving but if it's something really really sugary or that isn't the healthiest he will only let you have a little amount of it :(( ) but other then that your both happy and you two can't wait to have the little thing in your arms UwU

Tord❤️: this man is vibrating like— he first tells pat and Paul and he like- he can't sit down he's way to happy about this- way happier then matt! When you did tell him it didn't really get acknowledged at first but then when he didn't hear what you said he stoped whatever he was doing and snuggled to you he was really really happy and also- he has a heir to the red leader thing so he would want a kid anyway :3 but he's is so sooo happy! He doesn't stop talking about it and goes baby shopping with you and gets an extra 2 room in the house the baby room and then a play room because he wants to spoil this baby rotten! He's incredibly happy and don't thing cause your pregnant he's not going to be handsy on you- cause he always is~! he wouldn't stop that much but he would stop smoking as much as he did but has learnt to go outside to smoke instead of just doing in the house because it's really dangerous for you and the baby

Eduardo💚: this boi isn't that bothered that he is at the same time? He like- doesn't act like he's bothers but he actually is really really exited to have this kid- but- idk how to explain it he's really happy and only really shows it to you as well- so when people see you they kinda thing you two have an abusive relationship.. but it's nothing like that at all he also gets way more protective-! Like way more then he use to be ;-; he loves you just know that :)

Mark💜: mark is like ':O wait really?' And this is the first time you actually see him- not being a snob~ and he is going to make sure you and the baby is healthy UwU

Jon💙: THIS BOI UAHH—-! He's so exited and happy like— uahhs it's so cute he just wants to tell you how much he loves you but he just ends up saying jibber-ish but you still understand and you two are just so happy and ughhaha-! He's gonna spoil this kid!! And all it's siblings :)) like people you expect to have bratty kids bc how much Jon would spoil them but since there Jon's kid- like no not at all- idk that your like so they might be a little? But idk I don't think they would :))

Pat💛: he would be so happy like- cuddles and kisses are an number one priority know! - I mean they were before—! But even more so now!! He will be little bumbed that you two can't do the naughty anymore but he's still really happy

Paul💖 the boi is sooo happy! Like he will give you whatever you want! Your raving for pickles and cream? Done pop tarts! He's got them. For idk a chicken and chocolate he'll go out of his way to get it for you! But that doesn't mean he's not gonna her you to eat something healthy as well. He wants you and the baby(s) to be as healthy as possible and also as happy as possible so there plenty of love going around

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