Chapter Seven

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Hello! Here’s Chapter Seven, sorry this took a while – exams last week and then I was sick and then I got braces yesterday and wow I just forgot about uploading. So enjoy! And please fan/vote/comment!!

gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Seven

The next few days seemed to fly and yet, paradoxically, crawled by at a wonderfully slow pace. I had never been happier in my whole life, hanging out at ranch camp with Niall and all of the friends I was used to seeing once a year. It was strange, really, how rapidly friendships could develop with people you saw way less than all the people you went to school with. It never failed to amaze me how much I missed camp friends. And Niall would be no exception, I knew.

One of the nights later on in the second week was another one of my favorites: the day we went on an overnight across the lake. That morning, we saddled up our horses to ride over to the barn where we would sleep, while Tom drove our supplies over. Along the way, we talked and laughed and poked fun at each other, the usual affair for camp. I rode next to Niall and Michelle towards the back of the group, and we both teased him about how red his nose was getting from the sun, even though I figured mine was as well.

José, who was riding at the rear, kept making asinine comments, teasing Niall and I about riding together. He moved up so that Michelle, Niall, he, and I were riding four abreast, continuing to snicker until Niall coughed loudly and called, “Hey, Kinsey, can you come here a moment? José wants to ask you something super important regarding the end of summer.”

“I do not,” hissed José, scowling at him.

“It involves the dance,” went on Niall with a smirk as Kinsey turned in her saddle to give us a questioning look. José was saying, “Shut up, shut up,” over and over again in a low voice through gritted teeth as he smiled stiffly at Kinsey, waving her away. Niall guffawed into his hand, apparently at some joke that the rest of us didn’t get, because while I knew about Kinsey and José, they seemed to be implying something further.

“All right, you don’t have to take out the trash,” José muttered to the laughing Niall. His face was red as he avoided curious looks that were coming his way. “You win, I guess.”

“I couldn’t understand that, José,” said Niall loudly, beaming innocently. “I think your accent made it a bit difficult to understand. Very different from American and Irish, you know.”

José raised his eyes to the sky. “No tienes que sacar la basura, entiendes?

“Much more clear, thanks,” I piped up, grinning as I remembered my Spanish I classes and the amusement at saca la basura. “Niall, he’s making a deal that we don’t have to take out his trash anymore, if we, you know.” I wiggled my eyebrows and Niall laughed again, sticking his tongue out at José.

“I should make you anyway,” grumbled the Colombian. “What you two do is more forbidden than me anyway. I could report you to someone. And you were going to report me to who?”

“Whom,” I corrected automatically, making Michelle roll her eyes and sigh in exaggeration. I sort of wished I hadn’t said it, because Niall was looking confused as well, but José’s bewildered face more than made up for it.

“Whom? What is this whom?”

“It’s a grammatical thing,” I explained while Niall and Michelle snickered, whether at José or I, I couldn’t tell. “You can’t say ‘to who,’ you say ‘to whom.’ I’m not really sure why.” And as he raised a cynical eyebrow, I confused him even more by adding, “It’s like me and I. It just depends on where they fall in the sentence.”

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