sea fairy lake

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Addy and berry walked close to each other hand n hand the whole time Addy keeping his head down

Berry: hey addy are you ok?

Addy: I fine just a bit tired

Berry: you never get tired during adventurers or walking are you completely sure

Addy: I'm sorry

Berry: excuse me

Addy: for putting you in danger I didn't realize how dangerous this would be

Berry: addy..

Addy: you my best friend and I don't wanna scare you

A small giggle escaped berry's lips surprised addy Sense it quite rare

Addy: hey what's so funny

Berry: this is nothing like the feeling a fright this experience more exciting seeing all this nature

Addy: really

Berry: of course

About a few hours later the duo reached sea fairy lake and decided to rest

They both took out sleeping bags and decided to rest behind a bush just in case someone found them

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