Dont listen to those haters ...(💗💔) (💙💗)(💛🖤)

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Jaxx P.O.V 

Recently a new member had joined the squad . Sora ... He was one of light and alex's friend .And my boyfriend .

Alex let him join not too long ago . We had all had a hard time to decide witch color will represent Sora . But the artist decided to pick cayn , why ? Because Sora means the sky in japanese . And the sky is blue/cayn . So it did make sence . And to make a funny joke , me and sora always fight each other in the videos . But in reality we are dating .

Today was a great day , the sun was shining , the ocean waving . The sand was golden yellow . Since we live in a beach house in texas , we were pretty close to the ocean . We had just finished recording a video and everyone was doing there own thing . Alex was doing her korean lesson's homework , Light was on his phone watching his videos . Charli and Luca where hanging out at a near japanese sushi place , the editer was doing his job . And Levi was just chilling on the living room sofa while being on his phone . But i havent seen Sora all day . He didnt show up for breakfast . And lunch too . I wonder where he is . . .

I grabbed my phone out of my pockets and sent sora a text asking where he was , and if he was okay . He just replied with the usual " Oh , im okay how about you ? " I turned off my phone and starred at the cealling , there where stars and galaxys painted on them , the artist did do a nice job decorating this starwars office . I got up from my desk and went to the kitchen to get some snacks , cause I was quite hungry . As I was opening a bar of chocolate Levi came in . 

Levi : Oi , how was your day going so far ? 

Jaxx : Not so good ...

Levi : Why is that ? 

Jaxx : I havent seen sora all day , do have any ideas where he might be ? 

Levi : He told me that he wasnt having a good time recenty and that he was walking near the park this afternoon . 

Jaxx : Thanks for telling me Levi ...

Levi : No problem . 

Jaxx: Can I ask you a question ? 

Levi : Go ahead .

Jaxx : Have you always had a deep voice like that ?

Levi : No , my voice was really high when I was young . People said I sounded like a  gril when I was little . 

Jaxx : Would you mind doing a expresion when you were younger ? 

Levi : Okay , *inhale * ChOke ME LiKe yOu HaTe mE , BuT YoU lOve me ! 

He sounded so weird when he said that , it honestly made me smile and make my day better .

Jaxx *laughs* you sounded so weird ! *laughs*

Levi : Oh shut up you asked for it mother f^cker . 

Jaxx :*laughs*

Alex : BABE !!!! 

Levi : WHAAATT ?!

Alex came downstairs wearing a very fancy outfit . 

Alex : Wanna go out with me ~?

Levi : Is this like  a date ?

Alex : Maybe ... But cmon we are gonna have so much fun ! so lets go ! 

Levi : Okay but let me change my clothes I will be back soon !

And just like that he got up and went to his room that no body can enter except Alex because she is his girlfriend . 

I just gave a big sigh and went to my room . I layed on my bed as I just scrolled down the comments of our latest video . 

Bunch of fans were saying and pointing out funny moments , until I stumbled across a comment that made my smile fade away ...

|" Sora replaced drake ! 😒🤬😡Like this comment if Drake is better !!!!👍"     |                                     |  238👍             21🗨                                                                                                                          |

Why does it have so many likes ? Do people hate sora that much ? 

My ceriositty killed miss misa as I searched on youtube . " Sora replaced Drake "  and to my surprise bunch of videos popped up . To theories to hate videos saying how much they hated sora and that he is replaicing their favourite member . I coudnt believe it is this why Sora has been so distant then others ? 

*bell ringing * 

I heard someone opening the door and someone coming in . Is it sora ?

I left my room and went downstairs to see Sora and Light talking togheter . 

Sora : Sorry .... I just havent been having the best time lately ...

Light : What do you mean ? You have one of the best jobs in the world ! What is wrong ? 

Sora : Its not that ... Its that the fact where so many people hates me just because of my color ....

Light : .... Its okay , Dont listen to them .

Sora : Ok ...

I walked towards him and hugged sora . 

Jaxx : He is right sora ...

Sora : its just kinda hard you know ?

I could feel his tears landing on my jacket as he hugged me back . It hurt me seeing him like this . Just because of his charecter desigh ... That really sucks .

Sora : I bet it will get worse ! 

Jaxx : Why ? 

Sora : What if they find out that im not straight ?

I had no words , so I just remained silent .

Sora : Thats what I thought-

I know that he was about to ramble again so I just lifted his chin and pressed my lips against his . And in return I got his kiss back . 

Jaxx : If something like that happens we will go through it togheter . 

Sora : Togheter ? 

Jaxx : Togheter .

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