Knock Knock

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George walked up the cement steps to Dream's door and knocked on it.
"Coming!" a voice said from behind the door.
George was in comfy clothes, nothing fancy. A hoodie, a light pair of sweatpants. Before long the door swung open.
"Hey George," Dream said, gesturing for him to come in.
Dream was dressed in similar pants and no shirt. His carefully refined muscles almost gleamed on the lit porch. George tried not to stare but how could he resist? Those beautiful, strong arms, muscular chest. George snapped himself back to reality. Dream either didn't notice or didn't care that George had been looking him over. George looked up at Dream's face and he looked a little confused. George didn't waste any more time and just walked in. Dream followed behind him and closed the door. Sapnap greeted George and offered him a drink. George asked for a water and Sapnap dug through his and Dream's shared fridge in search for a water. He finally found one and tossed it at George.
"Here,catch," Sapnap said.
The bottle flung at George's head and he flinched, trying to duck or move out of the way. Before George could duck, Dream threw his hand in front of George and caught the water. He dropped the bottle in George's hands and smiled.
"Oh shit, sorry. Nice catch though Dream." Sapnap voiced.
"It's fine," George laughed and went to sit down on the couch in front of them.
Dream and Sapnap followed and soon they were all positioned on the couch. George in the middle, Dream to the left, Sapnap to the right. George only sat in the middle because he wanted to make sure to was next to Dream. Sapnap grabbed a black controller with a flame painted on it and tossed Dream a green one with a smiley face on it.
"Where's the other one for George?" Dream asked looking over at Sapnap .
"It's still in your bedroom, where Patches tore part of the joystick off." Sapnap replied, messing with his controller.
Dream just sighed and set his controller in Georges lap. He retrieved the messed up controller and they got on with it. George fondled the controller in his hands, stroking down the sides and messing with buttons. They all bickered for a while about what to play. George suggested bedwars and it was a unanimous vote. They started playing and everything was going so well. They were all laughing and yelling at the screen. Dream sounded like a tea kettle spewing over as he went after George. Sapnap ended up winning the round. Dream and George were a little sour but insisted on a rematch. They played again and the same things went on. Yelling, laughing, wheezing, a good time. Dream won the second round and jumped up.
"Even with a beat up controller I'm better than both of you guys!"
George rolled his eyes and looked at Sapnap. He was smiling and shaking his head. Dream sat back down and threw his arm over the top of the couch. His soft fingers gently touched George's shoulder. George tensed a little but didn't want Dream to pull away. Sapnap yawned and carefully stood.
"It's getting late, I'm going to bed. You can stay over if you want George, the couch can pull into a bed."
"Oh thanks, have a good night."
George thanked Sapnap and turned away from him. It was just him and Dream. Dream and him. Seated on the couch with an arm lightly around George. The silence was absolutely unbearable.

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