Compensation - SIMPLY AN EYE FOR AN...

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Human choices and behavior are based on a desire for compensation. Humans do things because they want something. Lets take the example of the libido. For what reason do people feel sexual desire? The pleasure is compensation for breeding. It's proof that compensation is the ultimate need. 

Finding yourself acting with any intention in the view or the potential notice of the public of your actions - is point blank the need for compensation. As humans we cannot help acting without needing the confirmation of our actions in any sort of appeal. 

Mostly everyone has a dream, a dream to be the best fighter, a dream to one day be the pilot of an aircraft,  a dream to be a best-selling writer, a dream to be a influencer who travels the world. These are all for the benefit of the self and the hope to live a better life without the struggle that led to having the dream in the first place. What do the dreams all have in common? A argumentative personality would state that - all the other dreams except the influencer are all the same. But see no this is were you have lost the point and have started looking into ways to disprove my point. 

Now, I am wondering, why would you want to disprove something that is still being explained? Well the answer is simple, say it all with me now - C-O-M-P-E-N-S-A-T-I-O-N. That's right, its all for compensation and this compensation in this example is recognition and respect. The noetic personas are simply cutting in the explanation short to show their intelligence and understanding of the topic without needing further enlightenment. Well, I have to thank you for being so predictable and having become my live example. 

Its not always known and acknowledged that we act with the cerebration of compensation and most of the time we are not self aware to even notice, some even go their entire lives thinking that they are saints, yet to get the title of saint and be treated as a being close to that of the existence of a god is compensation. 

Compensation is the ultimate need because humanity cannot survive itself without the concept of compensation. Picture a man who always does charity work and helps out whenever he can to whomever that needs help and to never be recognized for his deeds. See for this man who is ignored there are only two options. one is either he becomes a villain with a terrible origin story, the second option is that he takes his own life after developing depression from being ignored. 

Compensation ladies and gentleman - Simply and eye for and eye, Thank you. 

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