4. What is it? Will you tell me?

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He comes to himself, already in an unfamiliar room, covered with some kind of cloth. And he is not lying on the floor, but on some kind of dais with a strange roller under his head. Such accessories for sleeping are not familiar to him, but it must be admitted: it is quite convenient.

Mew tries to move a little and involuntarily groans in pain: what now replaces his usual tail and is called human legs whines mercilessly. Each movement is a torment from which takes your breath away.

But the air ends for another reason, when he sees Gulf entering the room, because he has not seen the guy so close for a long time.

"Hey, how are you? How are you feeling? Can you move?"

Mew freezes in surprise, because he sits down very close to him and reaches out with his hand to his forehead, and tries to say that everything is in order, but instead of the usual timbre of his voice, something hoarse and... alien is squeezed out of his throat, "Yes, I..."

In horror, he grabs his throat with his hands and tries to clear his throat, but this does not bring any result: the voice is still not his!

Gulf looks at him in dismay, his palm still touching his forehead. "There seems to be no temperature, but you have a problem with your voice, as I understand it? Did you catch a cold?"

It is difficult for him to correlate his state with these human concepts, so the easiest way is to nod in agreement and then clarify, "And where am I?"

"At my place," Gulf smiles at him so affably and joyfully that he involuntarily stretches his lips in response. "You really scared me yesterday when I found you on the shore naked and unconscious. Do you remember what happened?"

His brain begins to work feverishly, because he drank the potion, but somehow he did not figure out what to do next. How to explain to Gulf who he is and why he doesn't know basic things about his world? So Mew grabs onto this random clue, "No, I do not remember. I don't remember anything at all, only you, that I communicated with you."

The guy exhales with relief, "Well, at least something! I was already scared that I would have to calm you down, saying that I am not a maniac and I just want to help you. And for your memory, we will think of something. Do you remember family contacts? Where do you live?"

Mew shakes his head: he doesn't remember. And he pulls on the fabric even more, because he feels unexpectedly uncomfortable, naked next to a guy in clothes.

"It's okay," he waves his hand soothingly, "the best doctors will examine you and help - now I have a chance to repay you for my salvation. Now maybe you want to shower and get dressed? You and I are almost the same height - my clothes should suit you, although you are a little wider at the shoulders. Are you going to the gym?"

'The gym'? What does it mean? It's still too hard to know what Gulf is talking about, but since it's about his shoulders, he carefully elaborates, "I remember that I swam a lot."

"Oh, exactly! And how I did not think about it!" The guy slaps his forehead with his palm, and Mew makes a note that this is how people express their confusion and subsequent insight. "Then why oh why let me take you to the bathroom?"

Bathroom? What kind of beast is this?

Mew clings with all his strength to the fabric that covers his body and looks fearfully at Gulf, who laughs.

"Hey, let go of the blanket - I won't eat you. Come on, I'll help you get up."

So, this fabric is called a blanket - it's understandable, but he doesn't want to let it go at all - this is, in fact, his last defense against this terrible and incomprehensible world, into which he voluntarily entered. Speaking of which, his legs shake violently when he tries to stand on them, because he cannot walk or keep balance at all. Therefore, it is not surprising that when he tries to get up, he immediately begins to fall on Gulf.

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