5. Human world

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Gulf still dragged him to a strange man whom he called "doctor." This man almost climbed into his mouth, examining and lamenting that without documents he could not take the patient, but Gulf whispered something to him, and the question did not arise anymore. But Mew was tortured with something thin and sharp, they took his blood and other liquids "for analysis", and then they began to do some kind of magic, connecting him with some things to some other things.

At first he strongly resisted and refused, but then he saw Gulf's upset face and fell silent, because for some reason he didn't want to be a cause for this guy's concern. And that is why he voluntarily surrendered himself into the hands of all these people who ran around him in a building that everyone calls a hospital.

And that is why he now obediently sits in front of that very doctor and listens to things strange to himself.

"Your friend has all indicators in an absolute norm - even now he can go into space! I am confused by some weakness in the legs and their increased soreness, so there I would have you sent additionally for an MRI, but in general I do not see any problems. Except agnosia, of course."

"Agnosia?" Apparently, even for Gulf this word turned out to be unfamiliar, not only for Mew, who can only stare in silence, not understanding anything at all from what was said.

"It's a kind of dissociative amnesia. Usually it is characterized by the fact that facts from personal life are forgotten, but memory for universal knowledge is preserved. Dissociative amnesia is usually the result of mental trauma, but your friend has agnosia - impaired recognition of previously familiar objects. That is, he can speak, read and write, but at the same time he does not understand the purpose of many things, and does not know their names."

"And what to do? How is it treated?"

"I would recommend, at a minimum, to avoid repeated stress, which I think caused the memory loss, because we did not find any physical damage. And wait until the memory itself returns. It may also be worth trying hypnosis, but there are no guarantees - everything is individual. Good quality food, sleep, rest, vitamins - and in a couple of months there may be progress."

"Is there nothing else you can do, Doctor?" Gulf somehow doesn't seem happy with this development. "Just sit and wait?"

"Why sit? Just introduce him gradually, tell him how to use things. I recommend finding special training videos for such cases, or even for children, where the names of things are given by category - for the first time this will be enough, and then, maybe, the memory will return."

Which is why Mew is now sitting in front of what Gulf calls a laptop, watching what the doctor has recommended to him. He tried very hard not to show how shocked he was at the opportunity to get an answer to any question that could be entered. After all, this Internet is a real miracle! You can find out everything in the world, as Gulf explained - anything you want to, and Mew really wants, very much.

But he is forced to start with those very "training" videos that tell him about the simplest things that surround him. This is not to say that this knowledge is not useful to him - quite the opposite!

Now he knows that, since he is no longer in the ocean, water needs to be drunk on a constant basis from mugs, and it is taken from a building called a house with the help of plumbing - another man-made miracle. He now knows how to use the shower and toilet, open and close the water, although he still does not understand why this embarrassed Gulf the time the guy helped him.

Yes, he himself became a human for a while, but he was not used to the fact that now he needs to walk. It's so inconvenient: to rearrange first one, and then the other leg - and so constantly! Whether it is to swim through the water column, quickly and swiftly, but now he does not have much choice: only to develop his own skills and adapt to walking, as well as to the fact that it hurts.

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