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Cami and Savannah made it to Mystic Falls they saw the sign they was about to go when when they saw a person in front of the street they stopped to see it was Tyler Lockwood

Savannah: Tyler what the hell we could have killed you

Tyler: sorry but I had to stop you from your own death

Cami: what the hell are you talkin about our own deaths

Tyler: while you were gone something happened here to the point where we can't even get into Mystic Falls without dying

Savannah: I don't understand what happened here

Tyler: I think it's best if we go to my house (says and gets in the car) I'll show you the way

They drove all the way to his new house they got out and went into his house then sit on the couch waiting for him to explain what was going on

Tyler: a group of Travelers came in they use Stefan and Elena's blood to create a spell around Mystic Falls for vampires

Savannah: what kind of spell for vampires (ask)

Tyler: it takes away your vampirism as soon as you enter Mystic Falls it takes away that vampire side of you and it kills you depending on how you were killed to turn into a vampire (says) and I'm pretty sure you don't want to enter Mystic Falls with that baby since its half vampire

Savannah: how did you know

Tyler: I don't really I just know so who's the father

Cami: yeah that's a long story she's carrying Elijah's baby

Tyler: that makes sense but it also doesn't make sense he's a vampire, vampires cannot procreate

Savannah: we honestly don't know how I got pregnant and we're still trying to figure out how it's even possible

Tyler: so what are you guys doing here since you were trying to get into Mystic Falls

Cami: well we were planning to stay in Mystic Falls until Savannah gives birth because something happened in New Orleans that triggered that idea

Tyler: what happened

Savannah: Elijah almost hurted me so we're coming here

Tyler: does Elijah or his family know about this baby

Cami: Elijah knows, I don't know about the rest of the family (says, tyler nods)

Savannah: so what happened here besides Mystic Falls

Tyler: well months ago Bonnie and Damon died

Savannah: they what how

Tyler: like I said before when you guys were gone a lot has happened Bonnie became the anchor to the Dead to find a way to live at the end half of us was dead and the only way to come alive again is to touch Bonnie, and Damon was too late and the other side was collapsing and it took two of them with it

Cami: that's horrible I mean I mean Damon and me we had this connection but then I guess it's stopped due to me going back to New Orleans

Tyler: yeah Elena was devastated about Damon she hasn't been herself in a while (says)

Cami: so what are we going to do now Savannah

Savannah: we are going to stay here find a house and still have my baby

Cami: you still want to stay here after what Tyler just told us

Savannah: it may be dangerous, but New Orleans is more dangerous for my baby than here

Cami: fine I guess we can start with the Going house hunting (says)

Savannah: perfect so Tyler how has things been here for you

Tyler: well given the fact that after I died I lost my vampirism I'm a werewolf now

Savannah: what which means

Tyler: oh no I haven't triggered my werewolf side yet and I honestly don't want to, I don't want to experience having my bones break every month

Savannah: well you're not the only one

Tyler: what do you mean please don't tell me you didn't trigger-

Savannah: I mean how do you think I got this baby I triggered my werewolves side Elijah was there to help me and we just went at it that night

Tyler: did he take advantage of you or something

Savannah: no he didn't I did it with him on my own free, why does everyone keep saying he took advantage of me or that I was vulnerable I wasn't, sure I wasn't in my right state of mind but still you guys acting like I was drunk and he raped me or something

Tyler: so that means I'm going to become an uncle to a Mikaelson never thought I would see that day

Savannah: sorry I know how much you despise Klaus after everything he's did to you

Tyler: hey I mean well to be honest I didn't really care if you were dating him but I mostly thought you were crazy to ever date him after everything he put the rest of us through and what happen if Elijah finds you here I mean he can track you with his blood due to your baby's blood inside of you

Savannah: would you relax I cloaked us so they won't be able to find me and besides we have some friends in New Orleans who is going to be helping us stay away and keeping the mikaelsons busy

Tyler: I see you guys have everything planned out

Cami: yeah tell me about it I was also crazy to ever give the mikaelsons a chance, after what Elijah almost did to Savannah I stopped having faith of them being good I mean klaus's baby just died I don't think he can ever come out of that

Tyler: it's klaus everything about him is not good so how is Davina and Josh

Savannah: they are really good there with Marcel who is almost like the King of New Orleans or not I don't really know, him and klaus has been switching roles and can't seem to make up their mind of Who Wants to be king one day one wants to be king while the other doesn't and then a few months later the other one wants to be king again so they're crazy in the head.

Tyler: well Mystic Falls is more crazier but I'm glad you guys are here and I can't wait to meet my little

Savannah: I'm having a girl

Tyler: my little niece ( says smiling) now I guess I better let you guys go so you can go pick a house out

Cami: yeah and thanks for telling us what was going on so we can be prepared

Tyler: it was no problem just call me whenever you need anything okay

Savannah: we will (says and the two leave)

Cami: I guess we're really doing this

Savannah: yes I want what's best for my little girl and I don't think she should have a father who would do such a thing and could have the chance to hurt her I don't want her to feel that pain growing up

Cami: well she doesn't need to have a father or not every child needs a father they just mostly need their mom their aunts and uncles to be there for them and that's good enough okay

Savannah: you're right now let's go find a house

She says smiling and soon they started Going house hunting

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