
369 13 4

June 22, 2013

Jo is scanning a chart as she walks out of a patient's room, she walked out in the hall and is stopped by a man in a police uniform." Dr. Laughlin?" Jo looked at the police." Yes?" She asked, looking confused." I'm Officer Baker. Is there somewhere private we can speak?" He asked, looking at her.

"Sure." Jo said before leading him to an empty patient room. Jo turned around and looked at him in concern." What's this about?" She asked him." I'm here regarding Professor Saltzman. I understand you two are engaged to be married?" She looked at him in concern." Is something wrong?" She asked him.

Officer Baker look down before pulling his nightstick on his belt and taking it off as he hit a button on it that made it light up before setting it on the patient's table." Nope." He told her and Jo looked confused as she watched him starting to smile." Everything is just right." Suddenly, "Ladies Night" starts to play, and Officer Baker rips open his shirt and starts to gyrate his hips, revealing that he's not a police officer.

Jo who was alarmed put out her hands to stop him." Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wow! Oh– oh, my god. No. I don't think so." She said and out of  nowhere Elena, Bonnie, Cami and Savannah all jumped out of hiding." Surprise?" They all said as Jo's mouth went open. The girls all started dancing around with the stripper, who looks very amused, while they throw confetti everywhere.

"No, no, no, this can't be happening." She said as the girls sit Jo down on a chair and put a "Bachelorette" tiara on her and throw strings of Mardi Gras beads around her neck. After a moment, Jo starts to get into it, and dances in her seat while the stripper gives her a lap dance,

"Happy bachelorette!" They all said as Jo smiled at them." Oh my God thank you." She said as Cami hugged her." We wanted to do something special for you since you are getting married." She said as the girls nodded." Thank you for this." She said as they continued congratulating her. Once the dancing was over. They eventually sat down in their seats and started laughing.

"Waiter, Can we get some food over here please?" Savannah asked as the waiter nodded before heading to the back.

"An entire diner to ourselves? Actual heaven." Jo said as their food was brought to them." If Caroline were here, we would be planning a spa day." Elena told them as she ate her burger." But now, she's MIA." Bonnie responded as she ate a fry." Who can blame her, her Humanity was off and she hurt quite a lot of people." Savannah said as Cami grabbed her drink.

"Understandable, considering..." Jo said as ate her burger." So, We figured we'd just stuff our faces." Elena said as Jo sighs in pleasure as she ate her burger." You're geniuses." Cami just giggled at her." Except... aren't you a vegetarian?" Bonnie asked, looking at Jo.

"Bonnie, please don't." Savannah said to her." I'm just saying, that's not exactly a Garden burger!" She said and Savannah smirked." The baby is not okay with the no-meat thing. Besides, it's my party, and I'll eat what I want to!" She takes a big gulp of her milkshake." I do wish this was vodka, though."

"Right, I think we all need due to how stressful our lives have been so far." Cami said and they agreed." Right?" Elena asked." Hey, I don't want to know what Ric's doing, do I?" Jo asked, looking at Cami." He's.....probably at the movies." Cami said as Savannah just laughed at that." Maybe he probably went in mini-golfing." Savannah added on and the girls all laughed.

"As much as I love to continue this party I have to get back home and check on the kids. Who knows what Kai is doing to them." Cami said as she got up packing her food." Text me when you get home." Savannah said as Cami nodded." Bye girls." She said as everyone bid her goodbye. She left the diner.

"I have to go to." Elena said as she got up from her sit." Why, what's wrong." bonnie asked her." I have to get packing for tomorrow." She said and they all look confused at her." Packing for what?" Jo asked." Tomorrow after Jo's wedding I am leaving Mystic Falls," She said and all of their eyes widened at this new found information."

What? Why?" Savannah asked." I figured that maybe it was time for me to move on to another life. You know find some new hobbies and maybe visit my brother." She said as the girls looked at each other.

"Is this because of Camille and Damon?" Savannah asked and Elena paused." Yes and no. I was hurt when our relationship ended so I started thinking to myself and thought. I need a new life. We're not facing anymore threats and I want to travel. But I can't do that if I'm stuck here." She said and Savannah smiled at her.

"Then I wish you all the best." Savannah said and Elena smiled." Thanks, guys and goodnight." She said as everyone said their goodbyes." Can't we all head in tonight? This party has exhausted me." Jo said as the girls smiled." Sure I don't mind. I need to get back to Faith anyway." Savannah said before getting up.

Jo loaded up a to-go bag with food as Bonnie and Savannah cleaned up the mess." I cannot wait to go home and call my sister to see how she's doing in New Orleans then head off to bed," Savannah said and Jo smiled." Is your sister by any chance coming to the wedding? I would really like to meet her?" Jo asked and Savannah shook her head.

"Unfortunately not, With the Mikaelsons in New Orleas, she is going to be quite occupied." Jo nodded at that. They all turned around when they heard the doorbell and looked to see Lily, Stefan and Damon's mother." Oh my god?" Bonnie said as Jo and Savannah looked confused.

"Good evening, Miss Bennett. I was out for a walk, and I saw you through the window, and I thought, "I know her. That young lady ruined my life." Lily said calmly to them." Who is that?" Jo asked as Savannah wanted to know who she was too.

"Lily Salvatore." Bonnie said and Savannah's eyes widened. This was Damon and Stefan's mother." Be careful-- Bonnie destroyed something very dear to me, and now all I feel is insatiable hunger." Lily said slowly getting angry.

"I didn't do it to spite you, Lily. I did it to keep Kai trapped." Bonnie told her." Surely there's another way to rescue my friends?" Lily asked, slowly walking up to her. Bonnie sighed, her eyes reflecting the weight of her decision.

"There is no other way. And, even if I could help, I wouldn't." she replied firmly. Lily's disappointment turned into anger, causing her to lunge at Bonnie. However, Bonnie swiftly countered with a pain infliction spell, rendering Lily incapacitated.

"Now, let it go and, get out." Bonnie commanded, her voice firm and resolute. Jo's breath grew heavy as she absorbed the gravity of the situation. Lily, momentarily taken aback, swiftly grabbed a piece of tableware from the nearby booth and hurled it at Bonnie.

The object found its mark, embedding itself in Bonnie's neck. With a gasp of desperation, Bonnie collapsed to the floor, fighting for breath.

"Ungh!" Bonnie gasped, her hands clutching at her throat." Your mistake." Lily said only for her neck to be snapped." "And that was your mistake," Savannah declared, rushing to Bonnie's side alongside Jo. "Stay calm, Bonnie. She's here to help you now," Savannah reassured, rising to her feet and dialing Stefan's number.

"Stefan, I found Lily."

I'm back after 3 years now😭

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