Obey Me (3)

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"HEYO, I'M REENA! I'm an angel who's part of the exchange program! I'll probably see you in class, see ya."

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Basic Information

Name: Reena

Name meaning:

Nicknames: Ree

Age: At least a century

Birthday: Feb 14

Holiday on birthday: Valentine's Day

Zodiac: Aquarius

Height: 5"5

Appearance: Reena is a pale girl with long blonde hair, with braids to keep the front hairs from getting too bothersome. She wears an assortment of clothing, ranging from cute fae-like dresses to comfortable leggings and long sleeved shirts. She is for the most part seen in her angel attire, consisting of a black bodysuit, a transparent blue-yellow gradient skirt, blue tights and thigh high white boots.

Gender: female (She/Her)

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Reena doesn't have a family, not that it matters


Simeon: Definitely the father figure to her, the neutrality of sin and virtue is such a fun thing to talk about.

Luke: Reena loves looking after him, while not at all responsible. If they're alone, please ask for another adult, things will go bad very quickly.

Neutral With:

Solomon: As the other person living in Purgatory Hall, they should not have clicked this easily. They get along for one reason, simply to have fun and experiment with Devildom citizens.

The demon brothers: They all go together, Reena knows very little. Yes, she knows about the Celestial War, but she feels as though what she was told was biased. However, each of the brothers gives off the vibe that she shouldn't ask about it.


Reena isn't aware of any enemies. If she has them, well okay.

Crush/es: Open~


"I'm not really an angry person. Emotional yes, but not angry."



Personality: Reena is a rowdy and loud individual. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and is rather personable. She's lax with rules, and is certainly the party type. However, she's honest, she'll tell anyone what they need to hear. Far from the textbook angel, but she makes do with what she can.

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Spirit Animal: Dove


People: Or rather, anyone she can talk to. She loves chatting and chatting until her jaw hurts

Stars: Even though she theoretically can, she would love to touch one. 

Summer: It gives her a reason to wear bathing suits, swim, and all sorts of fun stuff!

Flying: Flying makes her feel so free, just riding currents and seeing the details of land below. It makes her heart race, and it always ends with loops


Rain: She simply doesn't like being all cooped up and such. Her soul is an outdoor one, always trying to explore.

Winter: As said previously, she hates being inside. Even worse, she absolutely despises the cold. The only thing that makes it bearable is hot cocoa. 

Rules: Well, strict rules to be exact. So constricting, so not fun. 


Reena is deathly terrified of being alone. Not just physically, but emotionally.


Persuasion: She is good at talking to people, twisting words to make them sound sweet.

Angelic abilities: Her main one is that she's basically a lie detector. Say a lie and her entire body gets an electric shock that doesn't really hurt, just annoying.

Memory: She has an acute memory, able to remember things several decades later.


- Emotional sympathy: She's so in tune to other's emotions that sometimes she can forget her own and just feel like the person in question

- Sensitivity: She bruises rather easily, and is physically weaker than most angels

Mental Health: Not the best, but not the worst

Disorders?: X

Sexuality: LESBIAN


"I'm one of the fastest angels! Probably not as quick as Mammon, but I pride myself on second place!"

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Fun Facts

Her wings are more for riding currents than actual flying, but she never really says much on it.

She's specifically a messenger angel, working under Gabriel to send divine messages to humans. Nothing important like the next Messiah, but more like "Ey, you're doing something wrong, fix it"

She has defined canines, but they only really seem to show when she's smiling.

Her favorite colour is light blue! 

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