Scorpius's Dilemma

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Scorpius's Dilemma

Written for the Great Pick-Up Line Challenge

"Hey Spitfire! You know that the confundus charm is an unforgivable right?"

"Bugger of Blondie, I'm not in the mood." Rose replied annoyed at the young Malfoy's antics.

He had been at this for weeks now. Every time he saw her he would spit out some annoying pick up line and throw her a cheeky smile. Scorpius Malfoy would be the death of her, or, she would be the death of him. Yeah, that was more likely.

"Come on Rosey play along please!" He replied widening his big grey eyes. Every time!

"Fine," she said practically growling," Yes I know that the confundus charm is an unforgivable."

"Then how come you're using it? And if you're not then are you naturally mind blowing?" He said wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"Malfoy," Rose said her anger reaching the point of no return, "You have five seconds before I pound you to death!"

The blonde's eyes widened in fear," Oh Salazar!" he said as he made a run for his life.


When Scorpius was finally in a place which was safe from the findings of Rose he stoped running and tried to get his breathing under control.

He just couldn't catch a break. He had no idea how to tell Rose that he liked her and every time he tried he ended up making her mad. "Ugh! Why am I so bad at this?" He asked himself.

"Mate why are you talking to yourself?" the amused voice of his best friend asked.

"Albus!" Scorpius exclaimed," You are good with girls' right?"

Curiosity and amusement painted his face as he replied," Yes, yes I am. Why?"

"Well," the blonde started," Because I like this one girl and every time I try to tell her she gets angry. Mate I really need your help! I am desperate!"

"Whoa! Ok Scorp who is this bird?" Albus asked, watching Scorp turn red as he sputtered out his response.

"Well… It's… arcohsoeo!" Scorpius said merging her name with a sneeze.

Albus looked confused, "Sorry mate I didn't get that. What's her name?"

Sighing deeply Scorpius said, "It's Rose."


Albus had taken the news surprisingly well. He wasn't angry or anything just a little bit shocked. He had suggested that Scorpius should try telling Rose one more time but, this time with Albus in the same room, just to see what he was doing wrong.

Right now, they were sitting in their Herbology class, watching Professor Longbottom explain the uses of Gilly Weed and Scorpius was bored. He already knew all of this and, for the Ravenclaw he was, he held no excitement for any of it.

Rose was sitting two tables down and in Scorpius's eyes looked absolutely incredible. Her enticing red hair was pulled back into a messy bun and the strands which had escaped her clip were gently caressing her freckled skin. Her face was scrunched up in concentration and her eyes were focused onto the parchment where she wrote her notes. Her ears stood up listening to every thing the Professor said. He was so screwed.


Once the class ended Scorpius and Albus followed Rose to the Gryffindor common room. Albus knew the password because of his siblings and was able to let them in.

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