Do I make you nervous?

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It would seem that they were alone. The Doctor of course had noticed this some time ago, since she had almost lost the girl multiple times she had become somewhat hyper aware of her presence.

It was a presence that pleased the Time Lord, she found a sort of soothing comfort in the aura of the beautiful girl. Not that Yaz was aware of this. There was no way she would feel the same way. Yaz could have anyone she wanted, any time and any place- someone to grow old with and live the life that wound down the road of marriage and children and humanity. The blonde sighs and feels the dull cloud begin to creep over her, just as it threatened to do so often of late.

Yaz looks up in concern, having felt the shift in atmosphere. She knew atmosphere was the right word, for the world didn't revolve around the woman she loved so intently it hurt- the galaxy did. The Tardis makes a noise as though a sigh and the women both blink. Yaz blushes as her thoughts embarrass her, and it is without success that this goes unnoticed.

The Doctor raises her eyebrows.

"What?" She asks with a small head tilt and crooked grin.

"Nothing" replies Yaz, cursing the rose blush that deepened her beautiful skin.

"What a colour! Yaz my love what are you thinking about?" The blonde snickers, flicking some dials and blowing the few stray hairs out of her face.

It was one of her pet names she had begun to use around the girl- and anyone she felt a protective stance over. It still had Yaz in butterflies every time though.

"Do I make you nervous?" Asks The Doctor innocently and Yaz chokes on her own tongue, only earning a giggle from the blonde alien to whom she had unknowingly dedicated her life.

"N-no!" stammers Yaz then cringes "I mean no you don't- I'm not uncomfortable"

The Doctor raises her perfectly arched eyebrows.

"So this-" she proceeds to casually flick off her coat that lands on a golden pillar, leaving her not immodestly dressed in a striped top and suspended trousers "-this you are completely fine with?"

Yaz is now a delicate shade of tomato and biting her lip. The Doctor would like to tease her some more but actually she was a little distracted herself.

Obviously she knew there was no future for her and Yaz, but she knew the girl was bi and had a preference for women. The Doctor didn't have a beauty standard to measure herself against- but River had told her time again that she pretty.

She couldn't judge objectively, but Yaz's reaction seemed to say it all. It pleased her more than it should have.

Yaz's eyes have moved from the danger of the woman's face to rake over the loose strands that had pulled wild from ber blonde hair. Only this afternoon Yaz had put on a Disney movie, plonked onto the sofa and shoved the fidgety alien down in front of her. She had spent the next hour carefully braiding, hands shaking as she ran her fingers though those treasured locks and twisted them expertly into place with deft fingers.

She vividly recalled tickling The Doctor on the neck every time she moved and eventually the blonde had settled, letting out the occasional noise of content as her hair was played with by the warm hands of the girl she had grown to feel for.

"Ahem" says The Doctor and Yaz blinks, scrunching her nose in a poor but copied habit of The Doctor's.

"Sorry what?" She says, a little frazzled as The Doctor steps forward, loose strands framing her face and plaits down her back to her shoulder blades.

Yaz looks away from the yellow suspenders.

"I will ask you again Yasmin Khan- do I make you nervous?" The blonde repeats. Yaz would deny it- except her words aren't working. Actually neither is her breathing.

"No" she finally whispers.

"Hmmm.... It seems your heart would disagree" murmurs the Doctor quietly and Yaz can't help but scowl. Damned Time Lord hearing.

The Doctor laughs at the frustration on the girl's face and goes to turn away- what neither of them expect is for Yaz to lunge and take her hand. They both look down in surprise and Yaz goes to release- only for the Doctor to grip harder with her soft pale fingers.

"Stay" is all the Doctor needs to say. And now Yaz really can't speak. Instead she simply nods. But their thoughts were synced enough that the two women understood each other perfectly.

Hope you enjoyed it doctorsdaisychain !!❤️ sorry I didn't write more but it's exam season for me and this was my break from revising xx

Do I make you nervous?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin