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      Jade sat in the booth across from Sam, again at their go to place for food.

"No way, are you serious? "

"Yeah, I'm being for real! Every single cars glass broke but the car I wanted. After all windows shattered, Bobby re-considered dads offer on the four grand and boom just like that, I got the car. "

Jade finished chewing her fry before nodding. She scoffed. "Yeah ok. "

She raised an eye brow. "Just like that? That's crazy. What could've caused all the car windows to bust like that? And how convenient is it that the car you liked was the only one left with its windows? "

Jade said skeptically. Sam sighed and leaned back, sipping from his drink; forcing the straw to make the slurping sound that Jade hated.

She glared, and threw a fry at him. He laughed, caught the fry and stuffed it into his mouth. Sam looked to his car in the parking lot and shrugged.

"I dunno. It's weird. It's like the car had a mind of its own sometimes. "

He sat up, leaning forward with his arms on the table.

"Like the other day, the lake party with Miles and even with Mikaela; it acted funny. My car plays random music at the dumbest times. And when I took Mikaela home, my car broke down on some hill hill facing the sunset and played this ridiculous song that made it seem romantic and I freaked! I mean, Mikaela is super hot of course so that was a win, but it looked intentional and I swear it wasn't! Im not that good with the ladies, you know that. I swear that car is Satans Camaro. "

Jade laughed at this. A real genuine laugh, she hasn't spoken much throughout the day. She felt as if the funeral was weeks ago, and not just that same morning.

Jade sighed, playing with a fry in the ketchup. Sam smacked her hand. "Hey. Stop it. "

"What? " Jade asked.

"Getting in your head. I know what you're thinking. "

"Sam... "

"No. Shut up. We're here to take your mind off things. Not dwell on the past. It's okay to smile and laugh even today, it was nice to hear you laugh. " Sam said sadly.

Jade gave a sad smile before placing a twenty on the table. "Sam, I really appreciate it. I do. "

"Of course. "

"I think I'm going to turn in for the night. " Jade stood, fixing her shirt before heading towards the door. 

"Wait! You're just gonna walk home? " Sam said getting up.

"Yeah. I need the air, and some time to myself. I really enjoyed getting out, Sam. That you for that. I just- I feel like I cant- or rather... I shouldn't be having any good a time right now I mean, I just lost my parents. And I'm scared because... well I miss them but I feel almost nothing... I feel.. like I've become so numb to it and it scares me. " She said as she walked out. Sam followed close.

"Jade.. "

"I know. Look, I'll be fine. I'll text when I'm home. Besides it's not like you don't live across the street. I just need some time, Sam. "

"True. Alright, I guess. See you tomorrow? "

"Yeah. Night Sam. And thanks again. " Jade said, she shoved her hands in her jacket and turn to the sidewalk that led her home.

The teenage girl sighed, breathing in the cool night air and smiling. She stopped a few time to sit on various benches and relax. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the night air, the breeze blowing past her face.

Now halfway home and and an hour later, there was a rather large boom that echoed across town and the streets went dark. Jade practically jumped out of her skin. She looked around and saw nothing out of the originally.

"What the hell? " Jade mumbled. The girl watched as several black SUV's race past her and turned down her street.

"Weird. " Jade picked up the pace and hid herself behind a tree on the corner of her familiar road. Jade saw several nice and expensive cars pass by her and turn away from her street, one being a large detailed semi truck.

Jade shook her head, brows furrowed. "What the hell is going on? "

Jade watched as several police cars and SUV's were stopped outside Sam's house. She gasped and began making her way over there, remembering to stay hidden behind numerous random parked cars, trees or garbage cans on the curbs.

She made her way to the neighbors yard and jumped the fence to Sam's yard. It was trashed, large holes and messed up grass, the plants and bushes Judy was obsessed with were destroyed while Rons yard work and paths were crushed.

She quietly let herself in through the back door and scurried up the stairs towards Sam's room. Ron and Judy had been speaking to a man at the door.

She opened the door, or tried to.

It was locked. She looked back and knocked gently. She heard scuffling and two voices. Jade shook her head.

"Sam! " She whisper yelled. The door swung open and she felt her upper arm being grabbed and she was yanked inside the room.

Sam looked panicked, sweaty and anxious.

"Sam! The hell is going on? There's a bunch of cops outside and your parents are yelling at them. What happened?! " Jade said making her way around his room to the open windows to peek outside at the street. Mikaela decided it was safe to come out of hiding and popped up.

"Hey Jade. "

"Mikaela, hey. Sorry Sam. Didn't realize you had... a guest. " Jade smirked to herself and let out a chuckle when both Sam and Mikaela started rambling about how it's not what she thinks and that she was only there to help Sam look for something. Jade waved them off and let out a breath.

"What's going on? " She asked again.

Sam threw his hands up and ran them through his sweaty hair.

"Okay you're so not going to believe this but- "

Hah. The end. 960 words. Short one today. 🤭😂

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