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"Sam... what the hell did you get yourself into..." Jade said as she stepped back and sat on his bed.

Sam sighed, frantically still searching for those damn glasses he tried selling to eBay, Mikaela helping him.

"I know! And I can't find the glasses! They were in my bag and now that bags gone- "

"Your book bag? " Jade asked, picking her head up.

"Yes! " Sam panicked.

Jade just let out a breath and went along with everything Sam just explained to her about his car being an alien robot and his grandfather discovering some alien species on Earth that are at war and him now being the key to Earth's survival.

Jade hadn't seen a single alien robot during that whole time, and wondered where the hell could they hide at a time like this but Jade simply went with it; she trusted Sam.

She had never seen Sam so worked about about anything  before.

Jade rushed to the door, and went downstairs. "It's on the counter downstairs Sam. I saw it on my way in. "

She called as she made her way to the kitchen.
The men decided at that point to come inside the house. "Who's that? "

The man behind him asked. "Don't know. Who cares, scan her too. But we need the boy, so. Where is your son, Mr. Witickity. "

"It's Witwicky. " Sams father, Ron, replied. The men forced this black metal device at her and smirked when it beeped uncontrollably. "Take her! "

Sam came down as the men grabbed her arms and forced Jade away towards the front door. "Hey! The hell?! Who are you people!? "

Jade panicked and fought against their grip. Sams father became defensive and tried pushing the men out of his way to get to the teenage girl but he and Judy were both restrained and forced away.

The same man held the black device before Sam as well, and mumbled something to his partner before turning away and walking outside. "Take them all! Bag em' and tag em'!"

Sam, Mikaela and his parents were separated while Jade was taken to another vehicle. She was forced inside and saw from the window that her grandmother stepped outside and was doing her best to rush towards the Witwicky house.

The cars drove off before she even made it across the street. Jade felt a single tear make it's way down her cheek.

All the SUV's drive in a single lane, looking highly suspicious as is.

"So kid. "

She ignored him.

"Whatcha know about aliens? Hmm? " Jade scoffed, but remained silent. Looking the other way. The man shook his head. "Listen girl. You don't have a clue about what you and your friends have just discovered. So you need to tell me right NOW- "

The car was forced to a stop, crashing into something large. The idiots who had taken Jade didn't bother putting a seat belt on themselves or her, and she felt herself fly forward and right into the seat in front of her. She felt her body jolt back and her head hit the glass window; shards glass scratch at her arms and face.

When she got the courage to open her eyes she noticed the roof had been torn from the car all together, or had it?

Her vision was hazy, and her head felt like she'd been hammered in the skull with a metal baseball bat. Perhaps she was hallucinating from the trauma to the head?

She coughed, and sat up the best she could. She saw two lights, almost like headlight shine down on the broken car. The man driving had been unconscious, or at least she though he was unconscious.

Who knows. Maybe he wasn't alive anymore.

The lights suddenly went out and Jade turned her gaze upward, meeting a large face and two glowing blue eyes.

If she hadn't been in so much pain she'd laugh.

Sam was right.

Standing before her was a giant alien robot.

She couldn't believe it.

This one had many guns and weapons attached to their arms and body. She noticed a metal hand coming her direction and felt herself gently lifted up from the car, much to her surprise. She recognized the cuffs being taken off her irritated wrists and being laid flat in the center of the metal hand. She heard voices, far away voices.

She felt herself being moved, and into another large metal hand. Or maybe it was the metal examiners table and she was dead.

Jade fought to keep her eyes open. She heard Sam's voice yell for her as things started to move again. She felt herself transferred to yet another giant metal hand before she lost all consciousness.

What a day to die.

A car accident.

Jade smiled, or at least she wanted to. She thought of her parents, she'd see then once again.

Kinda short. 810 words this time around

See ya 👋🏼

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