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Evebelle's pov

The marine guy hit me , and I fell pain , I'm logia user I shouldn't feel pain does he have super powers or what ! I'm so confused , I stood up hardly and tried to hit him but he was too fast , my head hurts , and I don't know this guy he's so strong , I looked at Sabo who was fighting Garb "Sabo, Let's go we don't have enough time to fight and they're so strong!" I shouted at Sabo as the marine hit me on the face , and the blood flowed everywhere , This guy is fast I barely could punch him , I couldn't focus he's so fast and strong the same script happens when we was in Sabaody. I fell on my face , I can't resist It anymore also , I can't fight with this dress "S-Sa-bo Help-M-" I said then fainted .

Third person's pov

"Belle !!" Sabo shouted "We'll take her with us" Garb affirmed and fell on the ground as Sabo punched him with the dragon power , Evebelle was wounded on the ground , the marine guy ran towards his leader to help him as Sabo Held Evebelle Bridal style and left the palace .

"Sa-bo , I'm s-orry , Evebelle said, This guy w-as so strong , I- could-n't fight h-im" Evebelle said as she cough blood "But, Th-ese A-re the Pa-pers I prot-ected them" "It's okay .. Don't talk you're hurting yourself , This guy was using haki , that's why he was so strong" Sabo responded "I'm w-eak I wan-t to be st-ronger!" Evebelle said "I'll heal you when we arrive to the house" Sabo affirmed .


"What happens?" Koala asked

"Marine attacked us, and Evebelle is wounded" Sabo replied "where are the drugs?"

"They are here, Let me heal her" Koala said

But Sabo and I said at the same Time "No!"

"I'll be alright" I said

"I'll heal her" Sabo took the medicines

"Please No ! the alcohol hurts me" I said

"you're not the one who decides" Sabo grabbed my leg powerfully , he took a cotton and tried to put it on the wound But I suddenly moved my knees and hit Sabo on his face in coincidence

"Oh!! Sorry!!" I apologized

"Heyy! Don't move!" Sabo yelled and putted the cotton on the wound

"Owww!!!" I screamed from pain

"Hey you have many blue spots on your body" Sabo said

"Hell!! Where are you looking shame on you! Close your eyes, you pervert" I shouted

"And how can I heal your wounds if I closed my eyes?" Sabo asked teasingly

"So don't!! I'll do it for myself" I yelled at the guy

"Hey Sabo,, I added, Today .. I danced with a partner I think he a noble and --- Nothing nothing, don't mind"

"Hey! I said don't move,-"Sabo ordered

"He smells like you ,what if .." I asked

"Hey don't talk you're making me lose my focus" Sabo yelled

"Okay, we'll talk later" I responded annoyed

"Go change your clothes, and comeback, I'll heal your waist"Sabo affirmed

"No! I won't" I responded

"Why??!" sabo asked

I blushed Not saying a word.. "Girls have privacies ..."

"Go and change then, heal yourself ..." Sabo replied shyly

I stood up to walk but suddenly I lost my balance and I nearly fell but Sabo grabbed me and we two fell on the ground ,Sabo was over me he was so heavy , I cannot breath , but my heart Is beating fast , our eyes met for moment we didn't talk

"Hmm, Sabo ... I can't breathe" I gasped slightly

Sabo jumped blushing and helped me to wake up

"Thank you.." I said

"I should go now "I added

"B-"sabo affirmed but was cut by me

"Goodnight" I said and went fast

I closed my room's door and lied on it grabbing my chest my heartbeat is killing me , the boy from later and Sabo , I'm so confused between them I have the same feeling when I think of the two of them , I want to talk .. Where is Koala! I walked To Koala's room and knocked the door

"Hey Koala.." I said

"ah! Evebelle-san" Koala responded

"Koala.. I couldn't sleep" I replied

"why?? Is the wound hurting you?" Koala asked

"Hmm, No.. did you feel your heart beating fast when you see someone ?"I asked

"Yeah!! I felt it many time , Look honey! There are two odds , If you're in love with that one or you're scared of him" Koala answered

"Hmm, even If you have the same feeling for two people in the same time?" I talked confused

"Hmm, For love No, But for hatred maybe... by the way who is the one? " Koala said curiously

"Hmm, Don't mind!" I responded blushing

"C'mon!! I answered you questions you owe me" Koala said

"Okay okay .. Today at the royal ball I danced with someone ,he really catches my attention ,but I didn't saw his face and we made a bet , he'll mingle with others and I have to find him but Sabo Forced me to leave the ballroom and I shouldn't see the guy's face ,also, I have the same feeling for Sabo I really don't know what to do" I said

"So, you love Sabo!" Koala affirmed

"W-What the hell are you saying!! I don't" I answered

"Hmmm, Maybe, we'll see" Koala chuckled

"we won't see anything !! I don't love him that's all!!!" I shouted

"heyy!! Lower your voice if you don't want Sabo to hear us !!"Koala Talked

"You know .. sometimes I wish that I danced with Sabo In the Ballroom" I gasped

"oyyy!! Seconds ago you was telling me that you don't love him" Koala murmured

"No, It's just a desire" I answered

"you're keeping denying how long can you resist! Say it and I'll help you" Koala said

"No No No we're just friend that's all, good night now!" I said and went to my room to sleep

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