chapter 3

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Quick question:would you guys like me to continue having Zayn in the story? Its up to you.

Also, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update. Things get randomly crazy in my life. But I was starting to think I shouldn't continue this story when I read through it and thought it had potential. So here's chapter three:
"I love you." The words flew out of my mouth as a reflex, but this time they meant so much more and they echoed through the room. Louis' blue eyes widened and I couldn't look away. His movements were jerky as he stood up.
"How could you?" He whispers to me and he walks fast to his room. We watch as his hand hesitates on the doorknob. With one more glance at me, he swings the door open wide and runs it.
What have I done.
The word "love" swirls around in my head, mixed with green eyes and the scent cinnamon cologne. I lean down and crawl under the covers of my bed, still fully clothed. I inhale deeply, and I smell Harry on my pillows. The sobs tear at me and the sound threatens to escape. I pull his pillow onto my face, blocking noise.

After I finish crying, I sit up, still cuddling the pillow. I go to my mirror and make sure I look normal. I've had practice at this. The fake smile lights up my face as I walk out, but it quickly falls as I see that Harry is the only one sitting with his back towards me.

"Why'd you say it?" My voice sounds hollow and makes Harry jump.
"Jeez Lou, you scared me." He stands up but I motion with my eyes for him to sit back down.
"Answer the question. " I demand.
"I've said it before." His voice has turned to ice and his shrug at the end of his truthful statement, breaks my bearing.
"That time was different! You know its true!" My voice raises, showing my hurt feelings. He just shrugs again. Tears collect in my eyes, from hurt and anger.
"YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE!" The words break through and shake the house. Liam comes running out of his room.

"What is wrong with you, Louis?" He asks. I can't even meet his eyes. I just point at Harry.
"He's whats wrong with me." And with those words I burst into tears. Liam collects my broken pieces and Harry gets off the couch. Hope gathers in me as he walks towards me, but he walks straight past me to his room. He's only there for a second. He exits again, this time with a coat on and keys in hand. He walks past me again and I choke on my tears. The door slams, making the house shake once again.

Liam guides me to my room. Its 6 pm now, and I'm so tired. He helps me change and puts me into bed. I pull the covers up to my chin, and try to stop crying. The sobs stop but warm tears continue down my face. Liam crawls in next to me, and I trade pillows real quick. The last thing I smell before I fall asleep is salt and cinnamon.

I don't go anywhere. I just sit in my car with the heat on. At first I just stare out the windshield,  emotionless still. But Louis' words of calling me an asshole ring in my ears and tears drop down onto the steering wheel. I put the car in reverse and peel out of the parking garage. My cell phone rings and I answer it.
"What, Zayn?"
"Its Niall actually."
"What do you want?"
"Where are you going?"
"I'm not sure yet, away from here."
"Did you not hear Louis and I's fight?"
"No? I just heard the door slam."
"You would sleep through all that."
"Come home Harry."
"I can't. "
"Why not?"
"Louis is my home."
I hang up, leaving Niall wondering what the hell I meant. Louis was right. That time, was different.

I turn the car around and head towards the house. I walk in to hear silence. Louis is no longer crying. I crawl into my bed and toss and turn until I'm sucked into a different nightmare. One where Louis never talks to me again.

I'll probably update again today, just because I'm sick with nothing else to do. Let me know if you enjoyed this chapter. I enjoyed writing again.

Don't Let GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora