chapter 4

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2 updates in one day!! Enjoy (:
It's about 2 am when Liam slips back into our room. I act like I'm still asleep and if he knows I'm not, he doesnt say anything. I try to shake off the bad feeling I got from my nightmare, but I feel a panic attack coming and I drag myself to Louis' room. The lights are all off and I hear Louis' quiet snoring. I smile, pain filling my heart. He starts to mumble in his sleep. I don't catch anything he says, I can only concentrate on how raw his voice sounds. I crawl into the empty space in his bed, but tonight, I don't spoon him. I curl into a fetal position and let sleep overtake me.
I wake up to brown curly hair tickling my nose. I think it's a dream until I hear the soft murmuring of the boys standing at my door.

I motion to Harry, "what's he doing in here?"
"You guys didn't make up?" Zayn asks confused.
"We just assumed since he was in here..." Niall trails off. Liam stays silent and that's how I know he knows something.
"Spit it out Liam." Liam winces but opens his mouth to speak. Suddenly Harry wakes up and looks around.
"Lou?" He's confused as to why the boys are in here too.
"Get off of me Harry. " My voice is cold and sharp and Harry scoots away.
"Harry, do you want to explain, or should I?" Liam asks.
"Explain wha-you wouldn't dare." Harry gets angry and stares at Liam.
"You owe us all an explanation." Zayn says and Niall and I nod in agreement.

The boys all file in my room and find a place to sit. Harry stands up, sweatpants hanging low on his hips, and starts pacing.
"I, um, I have these nightmares. I end up murdering every one of you, but every time I save Louis for last-" he starts.
"Gee, thanks." I reply sarcastically. Liam shushes me. Harry's eyes find the ground now, losing confidence.
"That's pretty much it. And so when I start to have a panic attack I wonder into Louis' room." He finishes. I cross my arms.
"Okay. Can you all get out now so I can get ready for today?" I ask. Harry looks relieved I didn't make this whole thing a big deal, but I'll definitely be locking my door tonight. The boys look concerned, but leave. Harry hesitates in the door. I act like I don't know he's there and grab a towel and head to the bathroom.
I hear the bathroom door click and I hesitate, not knowing what to do. Niall claps a hand down on my shoulder and I shake out of my trance.
"What's up?" I ask.
"I dunno, what is up, mate?" I stare at him confused.
"What was that you told me on the phone last night?" He rephrases. I look away.
"I'm not sure. Sorry." I don't look up but I hear Niall's footsteps as he walks away. I sit down on the wall and stare into Louis' room.

I stare so hard that I don't even realize Louis' shower has finished and he's walked butt naked into his room.
"HARREH!!!!!" His shout scares me and I jump up, taking in what I've been staring at. I quickly cover up my eyes.
"Sorry Lou."
"You've got a boner."
"Sorry Lou." I uncover my eyes and cover up the tightness in my pants.
"Come here, Haz." I inch into his room, eyes squeezed shut. I take one hand off my crotch and reach around so I dont trip over anything. Soon my hand smacks bare skin.
"Sorry L-" my apology is cut off by lips pressing to mine so quickly I can't even be sure it happened.
"Stop apologizing for the unimportant hurt me last night." Louis says softly. I slowly open my eyes. He's definitely still naked. A blush burns up my cheeks.
"Lou eh can you uh put on some clothes?" I stutter.
"Why?" He questions,  force behind his words. I motion to my still tightening pants.
"Its distracting." I mumble, embarrassed.

He laughs, and then brushes past me, teasing me further. I bite my lip but am relieved when he puts on some jeans and a t-shirt. I take a deep breath.

Harry tenses up and I sit on the bed, adjusting my pants. I was in the same boat Harry was in. He was still blushing and his green eyes didn't move from the ground.
"Louis, what I said last night, was horribly mean. You were right. When I said I loved you, it was different. But you hurt me when you ran off so, I couldn't give you the satisfaction of knowing. I'm sorry I left the way I did, but I couldn't stay in the house and listen to you cry because of me. I'm not somebody you should cry over, really. I'm so sorry Lou."

The breath I was holding ran out and I gasped for breath. Tears stung my eyes but I looked up and tried to calm down.
"Thank you for your apology, Harry. It means a lot to me. What did you mean when you said you loved me?" I wasn't ready for the answer. But I spoke the words anyways and my whole body went cold. Harry took a deep breath.
"You're my everything. That's what I meant." He states. I can't say anything. My knees buckle and everything goes black.

I watch in shock as Louis' unconscious body crumples. I lunge towards him and catch his head just before it hits the ground.
"LIAM!" The older boy comes running into the room and takes in the scene. He pulls out his phone in a hurry and almost drops it. He dials 911 and the other two boys run into the room. I'm crying and whispering into Louis' brown whispey hair
"Please wake up Lou."
Thanks for reading :)
I think this is long? I can't tell on my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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