Chapter Two

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I know it's been forever since I've updated, I'm so sorry. I've been really busy with school and friends, and I feel like crap. I hope this chapter makes up for it. I just started writing and everything flowed out. Let me know what you think. 



I keep my head down as I enter the kitchen, hoping to conceal my burning cheeks. I sit down in my usual spot, at the head of the table. Food is already sitting there and I push it around with my fork, not really hungry.

The chair farthest away from me scrapes against the floor and I look up through my eyelashes to see Harry staring down at his lap. A sigh escapes my lips and I look down to my plate again, careful to avoid Liam, Zayn and Niall's curious gazes.

"Well then." Liam says, breaking the silence, "let's eat." Niall sits down next to me and Liam sits down next to Harry. Zayn sits in-between the two. It's almost if they've chosen sides without even realizing it.


It's been an agonizing four days since I've talked to Harry, and the silence was haunting. They boys were starting to notice. Liam just called a "family" meeting.

We all sat around the coffee table, Harry and I the farthest away from each other once again.

"See what I'm talking about?" Niall whispered to Zayn. Zayn nodded, staying quiet. Liam was the first to speak.  

"It's been to quiet in the house, what's happening? Louis?" I jump up.  

"How come I'm the one to get blamed? This isn't my fault!!" I cry. Niall stands up and turns to me.  

"Because you're the one that's always loud, and now all that's happening is quiet. You and Harry are sitting in your rooms, and when we have events together, you ignore each other and sit as far away as you can. It's ruining everything!" Niall, little Niall, shouts at us. I flinch away from the truth of his words.  

"That's not true! It's not quiet right now!" I argue. This time Zayn jumps in.  

"Yes, yes it is. You know it is too! I can see the fear in your eyes!" Wise Zayn, it's hurting him too. Harry is still sitting, staring out the window with a troubled look in his eyes, ignoring us all and staying quiet.  

"Why am I the only one being blamed?!" I shout. "He's sitting over there completely silent!" I motion to Harry and he turns to look at me with a hurt look in his eyes. I look down, and anywhere, just to avoid his vivid green eyes.

"I.." His voice cracks and the other boys look at him, I stare at the ground. The only sound is Harry clearing his throat.  

" I don't know what to say, that's why I'm silent, Louis." He addresses me and my heart skips a beat. I stay silent. 

"I'm talking to you, Lou." The nickname tears at my heart. I fight against everything in my body to look up at him. My whole body craves to have his arms around me like they were so long ago. Long ago? It was four days. Four days and I feel like I can't move anymore. What happens when he leaves for years on end? I can't go without him for four damn days.  

"I know." My voice comes out without permission and it sounds foreign and broken to my own ears.  

"Why can't you look at me then?" His voice is closer and I flinch away.  

"I don't know." I fold my arms around myself. I fight the tears and try to keep my voice from cracking.  

"Yes you do. Look at me Loubear." The name breaks me down and the tears stream down my face and I choke on the air filling my lungs.  

My blue eyes meet his green ones and his are shining with tears, watery and broken.  

"I miss you." I say.  

"I love you."


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