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Was he really gonna show me his face!? I thought to myself as i watched him slowly reach for his mask, revealing his face, his eyes where dark like black coffee in contrast to his smooth pale white skin, his strong jawline with a large scar across it. He looked so familiar. . .Dae-Hyun. . .that name alway sounded familiar but i could never place my fingure on it but then i noticed it, a small birth mark on the corner of his mouth

"Y-you..!?" I didn't know what to say! How did it not click before?

"Oh so now you recognize me" he smirked



"i-i- what?" I was in complete shock! My childhood friend was stood before me!



"why are you here?"

"Well like you i needed the money and that sales guy came up to me but" he hesitated "but unlike you i chose red..."

I was at a loss for words my mind was trying to process what just happened when i was interrupted by a voice

Due to technical issues the next game will have to be delayed

Anounced the speakers but instead of the monotone female voice it was a equality monotone male voice. Dae-hyun and i looked at eachover to check if we both heard the same thing

"What?" He said to himself

"Do you think it's something to do with us?"

"Surely not...but...mabey?"

"What do you mean mabey?!"

"It dosnt matter" he quickly retaliated

"Okay..." this didn't sit right with me, he knew something was up but he isn't telling me enything. . .

"So whats this plan?"

"Theres a secret room with diving equipment ill find a way to sneak us down there, i managed to get someone in admin to help us."

"Aight" i was unsure this would work, he seemed so to. . .

" ok?" He turned to me confused

"...yeah...?" He replied

"You sure?"


"So how have you been since you moved?" I aksed, i had mixed feelings about this hole situation, in a way it was kinda bittersweet getting to see him after years even though its probably in the worse conditions possible

"Other than the having to kill people for a living to get out of dept ive been good" he chuckled

"Haha yeah"

"What about you? What led you to sleeping on a bench in the worse neighborhood possible?" I was shocked, how did he know about that?

"W-what? How did you-"

"Who do you think left you food and water?"

It was him that hole time, he saved me. I couldn't help myself but hug him, i must of surprised him cuzz he stumbled at the sudden movement

"Thank you!"

"It no problem y'know"

"Thank you for everything..." i felt bad for letting him sacrifice his life to help me and treating him like he didn't matter to me

"But why didn't you say hi" i jokingly said, giving him a quick jab in the side

"I dont know..."

Secret Game {DISCONTINUED FOR NOW)Where stories live. Discover now