hes gone

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A/N i currently have no clue where this story is going so ye👍

She went to pull the trigger but before she could there was a loud bang followed by the thud of her body hitting the floor. . .blood poured out from her head. . .

I felt like being sick! I watched as the guards carried her of like alister. . .alister. . .hes gone? For some reason the thought just came to mind i couldn't believe it, i still dont, surely hes alive the stab wound wasn't that bad? Surely ? Maybe i was just in denial but something just didn't seem right. . .i was still in shock, could barely think or move i was just frozen

"Hey...your bleeding"

"W-what?" I reach to my face, wincing in pain as i applied pressure to the wound on my cheek, pulling my hand back i realized i was bleeding, i watched as the blood dripped of my hand the rest quickly drying into my skin

"Huh must of been caught by that psycho" i paused to look at who ever the voice belonged to, it was Seohyun.

"Probably didn't notice cause of the adrenaline..."


I hesitated not knowing what to say

"Your little boyfriend is stareing at us" she said leaning to the side and gesturing towards Dae-Hyun

"H-he's not my boyfriend." I said trying to hide the blush on my face


"Hey..you okay?"


"Im sorry-"



"Just dont." Tears started forming in Seohyun eyes, i felt so bad. I couldn't begin to imagine how bad Seohyun  felt



"Go with your boyfriend" he slightly smirked "i think hes getting inpatient"

"I- are you sure??"

"Yes. Just go"

I walked of towards Dae-Hyun and the other guard he was with

"Hey. Can I get some help with this cut" i said pointing to my face, it was the perfect excuse so it wouldn't look suspicious

Dae-Hyun motioned for me to follow him, he led me to a isolated corner of the hall and pulled out a miniature first aid kit

"Its me" he said

"Im aware"

"So why are you being so quiet?"

"Got to much on my mind" i paused "i didn't think Allister dieing would hirt so much..."

"Well when you're in this shit hole eny company is good company" he

"Yeah...and i guess ive got other stuff on my mind" i felt a small bit of blush form on my cheeks

"What do you mean by that?"

"Dosnt matter."

"If you say so..."

We sat in silence as he cleaned up my wound

"I cant believe he's...dead..." i mumbled

"Thats called denial, its one of the 5 stages of grief" he paused " denial,  anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance"

"Welp ive got the first to coverd." The more i thought about it the more hatred i felt towards Allisters 'killer'

"I wanna add one more to the list..." i said looking Dae-Hyun in the eyes or mask i guess

"What may that me?"



Hey hey hey! Im back...kinda

Im currently self isolating and i feel like shit (tested negative so far) and boredom has taken over me so even though the squid game hype is cooled down ive started writing this again! Do i have a plan fir where this is going? Nope!

Well that's all for now :)

Word count: 569

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