The voices in my head part 1

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TW⚠️: mentions of death, degrading, and grief

"It's ok Wands, I'll be home before you know it!" Y/n smiles, looking at their beautiful girlfriend. "Alright.... Just don't get killed." Wanda says half jokingly. Y/n chuckles, "I'll try my best."

"It's not funny. You could get hurt..." Wanda looked away, saddened by the thought of losing her Y/n.

"Hey, it's okay. Like I said, I'll be back before you know it."

"Ok love, be careful. I love you." They lean in for a kiss.

"You got it boss. Love you too."

Wanda jolted awake, reliving the memory. As she takes in the world around her, she remembers. Her Y/n, her happy... gone. She could barely sleep anymore without having nightmares. Her eyes started filling with tears. How could she live like this? Without them?

Wanda pov

I look to my left, only to see an empty spot on the bed. Everything feels empty now, like they kept me warm and full of love, but now they're gone. I look to my right and see the time, 4:37am. I decide to go downstairs. I walk down the hall quietly and make my way to the elevator.

"Jarvis, main floor please." I say as I step in.

"Right away ma'am."

The elevator makes its way to the main floor and I step off. I make my way over to the brewer and decide to make some tea.


I grab the newly made tea as the brewer finishes.

"It's your own fault"

I walk to the table and sit down.

"Why didn't you do more"

I inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale.

"You should have gone with them"

I close my eyes, trying to escape, but I can still see their face.


"Why did they love you?"

"They are gone because of you"

"Stop" I think to myself. But the voices only get louder. I place the tea on the table, tears in my eyes. I go running to the elevator.

"Jarvis my floor please." I say with a shaky voice.

"Yes ma'am"

The doors fly open and I quickly but quietly make my way to my room. I close the door and break down. I can't control it. It's my fault isn't it. If only I would've done better... Tears roll down my cheeks as I make my way to my bathroom. I can't take it anymore. It's to much. Whenever I had a rough time about Pietro, Y/n would be there, always.

"You deserve it you worthless piece of shit"

Maybe I do deserve it, but Y/n... Y/n didn't deserve anything that happened to them.

I lock the bathroom door and put my back against it. I slide to the ground, struggling to breath.

"I'm sorry Y/n it's all my fault"

The voices in my headWhere stories live. Discover now