The voices in my head part 3

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This one is just a fluff one with Wanda and Natasha. (:

Wanda pov

I wake up to the warm, soft smell of Natasha. "What?" I think confused. Then I remember the events of last night. "Why does she care? Shouldn't she be mad... I mean it is my fault her best friend is dead." She starts to stir and opens her eyes. She looks down and smirks her iconic, adorable smirk.

"Morning." She says in a raspy morning voice.

"Hi." I reply, scooting closer, even though I didn't think that was possible.

"You okay? What happened last night?"


"Was it them? It's okay bubs." I blush at that but she doesn't seem to notice. "I'm right here. You can talk to me."

"No... like you said. Im okay." I smile, wrapping my arms around her hips.

"Mmm if you say so. Do you want to watch something?" I look up and grin. "I'm gonna take that as a yes." She puts on (your favorite show) and snuggles closer.


We are watching the show when I feel my arm get wet. I look down to a crying Wanda. "Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?

"T-this was their f-favorite s-show." "Of course! I should have known..." I mentally facepalmed.

"Do you want to watch something else?" She just pulls in closer, her face buried in my neck. I reach over and turn the television off. "I'm right here honey." She smiles at that and looks up.

"Thank you Tasha." She says with a shaky voice.

"No problem bubba." I cup her cheek and wipe her tears. "We should get up," I looked at the clock, 9:45am "yeah come one." I get up and wait for her. She's hesitant to walk into the hall but follows me anyways. We get to the table and she sits down. "Do you want me to make you something?"

"N-no thank. I'm not very hungry."

"Ok. That's fine. Would you like some coffee?"

"Ooh yes please." She hums. I look over and see her beautiful smile. She hasn't smiled in a bit, so that makes me happy. Once her coffee finishes brewing, I go over and set it down on the table.

"Mmm thank you." She says, sipping the drink.

"You're welcome. You sure you don't want anything else?"

"Yeah, I'm fine thank you though."

"What are you two up to?" Steve asks, walking into the kitchen.

"Oh nothing." We say, then look at each other and blush.

"How are you guys doing lately?" Considering my best friend was killed last month, pretty good.

"I don't know... I'm okay." Wanda replies. I walk over and sit next to her.

"Well, I'm going to go train. See you later."

"Bye Steve!" We giggle. She finished off her coffee and starts to stand.

"I'm going to my room." I say after a bit of silence.

"Oh, ok do you want me to go with you?"

"N-no I'm fine." You don't seem fine.

"Ok... just tell me if you need anything!"

"Ok Wands."

I make my way to the elevator and Jarvis takes me up. I walk to my room and turn on the tv. I frown, (your favourite show) still on. I turn it off and decide to read a book.

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