truth reveal

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"this is so great, all four of us together! on dates." emily said grabbing regie arm "you sat down with us" ryan said cringing his face "well your regie best friend" emily said smiling "so y/n how has been the break up?" emily said pouty her lips "homerecker" i said sipping my drink "haahha y/n regie kissed me" she said putting her hand on her chest "why can't you be happy for your best friend? i mean i let you have ryan" she said acting like she was the good guy "let's leave" regie said getting up "babe come on" emily said holding his arm "no let's go" regie said yanking his hand away "come on, you don't want me to-" regie had enough and took ryan drink and spilled it on her

"grow the fuck up" he said said walking away leaving y/n and ryan shock "you son of a bitch! this is your fault!" she said pointing at y/n "come on babe let's go somewhere" ryan says grabbing his gf hand

"what the fuck just happen?" i said "don't worry about them their just garbage" ryan said turning on the car "ryan, regie spilled his drink on her?" y/n says "so" ryan said driving
"but wasn't it strange? how she squeezed regie arm when she asked him questions?" i say remembering what happen in the boba place "your just over thinking" ryan said rolling his eyes "regie isn't happy ryan, what if she blackmail him!" i said not feeling to well

"so what if she did! that's not our problem!" ryan yelled making you jump "do you like him or what!" he say "no i don't" i said "then why are you so worried?" he said gripping your thighs "he may did fuck up but he really cared for me when you couldn't" i said annoyed. that made ryan mad and took off his hand off your thighs

"stop, i don't wanna talk to you about this" ryan said and the rest of the car ride was silent.

"can i talk to you y/n?" regie said "she doesn't want anything from you" ryan says getting infront of you "ryan i wanna talk to him" i said and walking past ryan with regie

the only reason i wanted to talk to him if he was okay

"please listen what i have to say, you have to believe me. im sorry i couldn't tell you but since what happen early i knew i should've of told you before i lost you" he said looking deep in my eyes "go on" was all i said "y/n what you saw was a misunderstanding, emily saw you watching us. she asked me to kissed her but i said no, she said if i wouldn't she would leak your nudes, and im so sorry-"

all this time, he was doing it for me. i couldn't believe what i heard. i hugged him as tight as i could and started to sob "all this time i hated you, but you were just protecting me" i said "im so sorry y/n" regie said hugging me tight

i should of knew better, her and i were never meant to be..... she will always love him

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