Chapter 2

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While Zhou Zi Shu is being drunk and wasted, he told himself that he will forget his problem tonight and be drunk for real to be able to wash away his problems and worries for the meantime, 

and Wen Ke xing drove back to go and take some shots of liquor  to the tavern afterwards the meeting he attended related to the ghost valley training and interrogation  which ended up being a messed where he needs to unwind and relax to take away and relieved the stress he have because of the problem on the valley….

 When he  entered the bar he was welcomed with the dark aura of the bar he owns where there's disco lights and dim lights are out..

All over  the place where people could be seen dancing, drinking and people lying on the floor in a state of intoxication  and many more ,where some of them cannot be able to stand anymore because of alcoholism to that  day, but he doesn't give a fucking care about it

 and head straight to the bartender's table to take an order of  3 shots of tequila and some nuts to ease the discomfort and stress he feels that day.. 

While having some shots of tequila and munching some nuts he roamed his eyes around the bar and  doesn't see anything new or captivatingly that can captivate his heart like A'Xu did or any random  person that he  can fuck to  relieve the stress he have by doing something nasty…

but he doesn't expect that  this night will be an unforgettable experience and memory of his lifetime f because when…..

When he casually  roamed his eyes around the bar….

He's gazing towards the back side of  the table where there's a beauty sitting and casually drinking…

He was captivated and amazed by the beauty of a man in the dark corner of the back  for the first time  because it reminded him of his first love where there's a guy  sitting on the bar  who looks like a goddess of this time….

 where he was stunningly beautiful  wearing a red designer's jacket with sparkling crystals designed around it,partnered with a red designer's pants and a silvered belt with a pearl necklace and earrings and had light make up  applied….

that made him look elegant and lovely.. plus the man also has long hair tied up with a silver clip that makes him look sexy as hell that made wen ke xing turned on and  drool all over for the first time because of that guy's beauty and didn't notice it for some time..

And  in the last few minutes the passed away he was hit by the realization where  he didn't realise that he was in a deeply in state of shock on his mind and deeply  stares at the guy  and analyze  the face of it 

where  he thinks and describes that  he  was like looking at a precious gem that needs to be kept from others to be seen…

and he continues to examines the guy faces features and saw the view of the man's beautiful pair of brown eyes shining brightly like a gems that make Lao Wen's heart flutter where  he can compared it from the white pearls that you can see from the ocean and added by that  God also blessed this guy a kissable reddish plump lips  that made Lao Wen gulp in the hotness of it ... and began to feel thirsty buy just looking at and feels like he on a great show by looking at the man he was drooling over and over.

Lao Wen starts giving the man strong and lethal stares at the time and not giving a glance  to anyone that flirts with him, and only puts his attention to the beauty he saw by throwing some  stares and doesn't think or  know  any techniques to approach the guy so…..

He decided to stare at him for a  while and the  guy is drinking and doesn't give a glance at him but he continues to throw his lethal stares to Zhou Zi Shu but doesn't feel anything …

or  anyone staring at him maybe it was the effect of the drinks he has  that made his body  feel hot and intoxicatated resulting for  drink he takes  where he can't see clearly because of the lights flashing around the bar and also for the alcohol he takes …..

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