Chapter 28- Messenger -

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Warning: Chapter has descriptive self harming. If you are not comfortable at reading that i will warn you right before it so you can skip ahead of it. You have been warned

Kenadie's P.O.V.

I woke up in Jordan's arms. I check my phone and see several texts from everyone. What the heck. I was sleeping. They were probably just to see if i was okay or too see if i would record with them. Oh well. I sneakily get out of Jordan's grip and go get changed and look decent at least. I head up and throw on a hoodie and some jeans. I threw my hair into a bun and got on my phone to check the texts.

Parker's P.O.V.

We all texted Kenadie. She needs to find this out before she see's on the news or on twitter. She needs to know. I will be the messenger. How am i gonna tell her. She is going to blame herself. Its not her fault. None of this is. Its just how her life is supposed to play out. Its destiny. I guess.

Kenadie's P.O.V.

I'm so glad i didn't put on makeup. After i read the texts i wanted to curl up into a ball and die.

" You need to hear this from me before you read it on twitter. Grape... has passed. Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. Obviously this is how life is supposed to play out. It's not your fault so don't blame yourself. Please. Dont beat yourself up over this. We are all here to talk if you ever need to. If you want to rant, cry, scream at me or with me i am always here for you. You know that we all would do anything for you. Please don't cut because of this. Please. We all need you. You were put on earth for a reason. Dont stop it. Just like the famous quote says. "Everything happens for a reason, You might not know the rreason now but it will help you later on." Please. Dont do anything."                        From Parker

Thats what parker sent. I can't believe it. Sean died. I know parker said it wasn't my fault but it is. I was the one that led him on. I was the one who kissed back. I was the one who started the prank war. I was the one who got back with Jordan. I was what pushed Sean to cut so bad. I am the reason he is dead. After i read the text i just walked over to my couch and just sat their. Not living. Not existing. Just sitting there. Thinking. Crying. Screaming. Beating myself up over the fact that Sean is dead. He was so young. He had a long life left. After about an hour of just non-existing Jordan texted me. I don't even know what he sent. I didn't bother looking. I had already threw my phone across the room onto a chair. Glad it hit the chair and not the wall but still upset. All i heard was "Meep..... Meep....Meep..." The sound of my phone notifying me of every text i am getting. (Yes my ringtone is meep. From phineas and ferb. Dont judge.)

Warning: Descriptive self harming ahead. You have been warned

I couldn't take it anymore! I walked into my bathroom and grabbed my blade and cut 6 times. 1 for Jordan.......1 for Me fucking everything up. and  4 for leading Sean on-Kissing back-pushed Sean to suicide-Seans death.

I sat on the edge of the bathtub letting the blade slice my skin. I wince in pain as i watch the blood come dripping out. I sit their watching it drip down my wrist into the bathtub and down the drain. I watch it for about two minutes and sliced one more time for me being a fuck up. I sat there a while just watching it drip...drip....drip. until i couldn't take it no more. I grabbed a washcloth and washed my cuts. I then bandaged them up so they dont bleed all over my clothes. I put my bracelets over them so its not noticeable that much. I let the water run in the bathtub so all the blood goes down the drain. As soon as i stop the water I hear banging on my apartment door.

To the people that skipped ahead due to descriptive self harming. You can now return.

"Kenadie! Don't do this!" I hear Jordan screaming.

*No response

"Kenadie! Please. Don't do this. Parker texted me when you didn't respond. I know you think its your fault. Its not! Please. Don't. I need you. If your gone I don't know what i would do! Please. I love you.!" I hear him say and i can hear him start crying as he slides down the door with a thump.

"You would find someone else. Someone that is less fucked up than me. Someone that loves you more. Someone that doesn't fuck everything up. Someone who makes you happy.!" I yell back as i stand next to the door. I slide down to where i am sitting on the floor with my back against the door.

"Kenadie! Please. Open the door. I am not leaving until you open the door and is all right! Please. I love you. Don't you ever think that I would find someone new, Someone that loves me more, Someone that makes me happier.  No one can make me happier than when I am with you.! You are who i am ment to be with. Your my one love. My only love. I need you more than the earth need gravity. I love you from infinity and beyond and i always will. Please... Just open the door," I hear him say as he starts crying. His voice cracks a few times when he says the last few sentences.

I sit on the floor just crying. I can hear Jordan cries and him trying to breathe. I just sit their crying until i cant anymore. I then blacked out. Hopefully to never wake back up.

Hello everyone. No this is not the end if you are wondering. I know you guys are probably pissed at me but.... I don't know a positive for it. But i know you guys are pissed that Sean died. I would be too if i was the reader. But shit happens. Also, Slow updates are in your future. If you did not read the last update i am going to the Against the Current- Set it Off- Glamour Kills spring break tour. I leave on saturday (tomarrow for me) morning at arounf 10 a.m. and i am going to be in the car for 4 hours and the concert is on sunday so i will be spending the weekend in lakewood ohio. So yeah. I will try to write when im in the car and whenever i can but it will be slow more than likely. Sorry. I love ya. Your my heroes! Byeeeee!

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