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It is the 11 October 2021.
Kai was with the national team in North Macedonia and I stayed with Jule. He lived together with Luise in Dortmund because he plays for BVB. On October 12 kai was back to pick me up (I live with him in London). The whole flight long kai just looked at his phone and started smiling every 2 minutes. When I asked him why he would smile so much, he said only : You don't understand that dwarf.
Then he turned away from me. I was very annoyed that he had called me dwarf. And besides, as his little sister, I naturally have to know what made him smile. After we got home, he went into his room and played with Jule fortnite. That went on all night I could hardly sleep as loudly as he had screamed.
The next morning the doorbell had rang and Timo was standing in front of the door. He had asked me if kai was there. I had told him that kai was still asleep. He had sat down on the couch and watched Netflix. About 2 hours later Kai woke up and came into the living room and asked : Timo.. What the heck are you doing here?
Timo just started laughing because Kai just had on his underwear...he was wearing the underwear with the red hearts on it... Kai looked down at himself and rushed back to his room to put some clothes on.
4 hours later Kai came back home from training. He ignored me.. Just like every day... Right after he closed his door.. Someone Rang at the door.. It was Sophia this time.. She wanted to know if Kai was there, I said yes.. I called him... But he didn't wanted to come downstairs. So I called him a 2nd time.. He still didn't want to come. So I told Sophia were his bedroom was. After Sophia was with Kai.. I started crying because I just wanted to know why he keeps ignoring me.
About 2 weeks later Kai and Sophia were about to go on a trip to Greece, and of course I had to stay with Jule again. At least he cares about me, I said to Kai.. He freaked out and said.. If takes so good care of you. Why don't you move in with him.. So then I don't have to listen to all your girl problems anymore.
He just ran out of the house and drove of. I just started crying because since the day he flew of to North Macedonia
he was different to me. Julian also saw that he was different. He started thinking and got an idea. He told me that Kai has a big crush on someone but this girl just sees him as a very good friend.

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