Chapter 2 - Sunsets

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Her home, located at an abandoned beach, was a little house just a bit bigger then a cottage. She didn't mind living there as it was beautiful, she always went up to the cliff to watch the sun set. The only problem she had with living there is that it was forced. She was said to be a witch because black cats always loved her. She decided not to fight their assumption and to live with it, she decided that if she was going to be called evil she would be evil, maybe not evil but to fit into their guess. And she was cursed out as a villain.


Hunter, being the adventurous teen he is, decided to go to a abandoned beach like the one in his dreams when he blacks out. He was looking on google maps because he was sure this place was real. There! He found it, Star-Crossed Beach. He thought it was a weird name, but he decided to go there anyway. He needed to know why he had dreams about this place, and maybe he would see the girl in his dreams there too!

The sun was setting when he arrived, it was beautiful there, he didn't understand why it was abandoned. Hunter decided he would sleep on the cliff tonight as there was enough space to view the stars. but as he was walking to the cliff to set up his sleeping area, he saw a girl. She was looking into the sunset at the tip of the cliff, she was wearing a flowy dress that barely touched the ground, and at that moment, he had deja vu. It was the same as his dream.

"Hello! Who are you?" Hunter asked, and she turned around, she truly was beautiful, and he fell in love straight away, but it felt more forced then wanted.

"H-hello, I'm Avani" the girl said, she seemed shocked that someone was talking to her, let alone that someone was there.

"It's nice to meet you Avani, I'm Hunter!" He chuckled

"Why are you here all alone?" He asked her

Before she could answer his question, he blacks out, this dream was completely black, no dream, no view, not even a past memory, just darkness. But he heard a noise, he heard something dripping, it was water! Then he heard flowing. And then he woke up, he was in a large pool of water, the girl, Avani had her hands on his shoulders, they were glowing, was she doing magic? 

She was walking out from one of the tunnels, yet again, more deja vu. But soon enough she was back with bandages and what seemed to be medicine.

"When you blacked out you hit a rock, a big rock, you got badly injured. I brought you to the magic pool, it gives me healing powers" Avani explained, and he was in shock, Magic exists!?

The sunlight from the sunset was coming through the hole in the ceiling made the water look golden. And he was relaxed, beautiful.

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