Chapter Three

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Monday 5am

I have to be at Mr De Reyes house at 7 with his short black and breakfast, which I can do at his kitchen, I decided to wear black trousers with a baby blue blouse with black red bottoms that Daenerys gave to me as a congrats gift for getting the job. I forced her to take it back, but she basically ripped the receipt, so I'm stuck with these gorgeous shoes.

I was in the car by 6:30 as the drive is only 10 minutes, once putting the address in I start to drive off, listening to The Weeknd...fucking classic, once the GPS said I have arrived my destination I find a massive glass modern mansion, oh wow now this is what you call rich shit!

I drive up to the driveway to find three security guards, well damn why the need for security it's like he is a prince, one of the security guards came to my side as I push the window down, "what's your reasoning?" damn okie, "I'm Rosaline Carter, Mr De Reyes new secretary", "Can I see some ID?" I grab my wallet pulling out my driver's licence handing it to him, he walks off to speak with the other guards... well this is a way to spend my morning.

He comes back handing back my ID and another ID I look as it's a security pass, "just put this on your windshield and the gates with open for you since you will be coming here every day", "Okie thanks..." he walks back to his position than the gates open, I park my car in an empty spot, I exit finding the house door open seeing a lady waiting.

"You must be Miss Carter, welcome I'll show you around, I'm Mary" she seems lovely, I think we might get along, "Pleasure to meet you Mary... but please call me Rose" she nods as I walk inside, and to think I thought the outside is only beautiful, inside is like walking into the Met Gala everything is perfect yet unique.

Mary showed me around the kitchen which is ten times bigger than my apartment one considering that we leave in a penthouse, she showed me Mr De Reyes office, the bathrooms, guest bedrooms, we walk back into the kitchen showing me how to use the coffee machine and where to find his foods,

"Usually what I like to do is prepare his coffee and food when you arrive as I know you have already so much on your plate, so just grab it from the table and take it to his bedroom, now take this you will find his bedroom on the third floor on the right, you won't miss it they are giant black double doors" she is so sweet, wow she reminds me of my mother, god I miss her.

I thank Mary before heading up the stairs, this house is so big, but if he lives by himself why the need for this much space, once I have reached the floor I start to walk towards the giant doors, I knock waiting for an answer, "come in", I open the door to find my half-naked boss, wow his arms are covered in tattoos, his body is like no other, this is a Greek gods body, perfect amount of muscle, just perfect... oh god what am I doing, I need to stop... too early for this shit.

"Good Morning Mr De Reyes, here's your coffee and breakfast, shall I read your schedule for today?"

He turns around to face me, locking our eyes I take a second to admire those beautiful deep blue eyes, feeling mixed emotions as my heart tells me to stay, whereas my head tells me to run, "I've already looked at my schedule, your 5 minutes late meaning I'm 5 minutes late for work" rude much "sorry Mr De Reyes, but Mary was showing me around the place", he grabs his dress shirt from the bed putting it on, when he finishes the last button, he walks towards me, I take a few steps back, but he doesn't stop, my back hits the wall leaving only a centimetre between us.

I couldn't find the words to speak, but this is very inappropriate, "Mr De Reyes?" he hums in response, okie now I'm starting to feel things, DON'T DO DARE, no! not needed, "Mr De Reyes?", he steps back picking up his breakfast heading out of his room, what the fuck was that?

Once we got downstairs, he speeds walks towards the door, I follow him out as he continues to walk to his car, well I guess I will meet him at the office, before taking a step towards my car he finally spoke, "Miss Carter where are you going?", "to the office?",

"Clearly you didn't do your homework right, every morning you arrive at my house bring my food and coffee, to read my schedule, we drive together to work as in some situation I will need your assistance when we are done at the office, we drive back here then you can go home... now before you make is more difficult than you have already did, get in the car"

Okie this must be new as I have read the entire binder back and forth never missing a page, I think he woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I walk towards his car getting into the passenger seat, the entire car ride was quiet and awkward, I kept my eyes on the iPad taking down some notes and organising some files, I look up to find three black SUV back to front,

"Mr De Reyes? Why are there cars following us?"

He sighs before answering my question, "Well Miss Carter these are my bodyguards, you can never be too safe", why do I feel like there is more to that statement, but whatever I go back to the iPad continuing my work.


We finally arrive at the office and man was I dreading for the car ride to end, I never let my assistances in the same car as me, what was I thinking, this is not normal of me when entering the building we both head to the elevator, once we have reached my private office floor, I walk into my office closing the door behind.

I walk to my laptop to send an email of lists I need for Rose to complete for today, let's hope she fails so this stupid bet can be over, and she is gone! What happened at the house was unaccepted, what was I thinking? why did I do that? I could tell she felt something, I don't know what possessed me to act in such a way, but I cannot let that affect me, fuck I need to get laid, fucking stupid bet.

I was trying to act so cold today, hoping she would quit right then and there, but nope, and truth be told I didn't read my schedule, so now I have to read it the entire day schedule, I see that I have a few meetings and most importantly a meeting with my brother.

Sean decided to wait a month before going on their honeymoon as becoming the new Don, so much pressure was on him and I don't blame him not wanting to be thinking about work during his honeymoon, sometimes I can't stand work, as I second guess myself to why am I doing this business for? This is basically my escape from the mafia.

I heard a knock on the door, once I have answered Rose walks in, "yes Miss Carter?", "Mr De Reyes, you have a meeting in 5 minutes with the counsellors of New York", ugh here we go, these idiots cannot get off my back, trying to make me move my business outside of New York, they haven't given me a valid reason to move, even though I owe the entire building, it's so stupid, I hope this meeting is an apology, if they waste my time again, they will regret it.

"I'll be there in a moment" she nods exiting my office, I grab my phone to find messenger from my sister

Amelia: Ma and I are at your place preparing for dinner

Francis: Why?

Amelia: Don't ask me, Sean told us since we last time had dinner together was months ago, Ma got all emotional and it was her plan to cook at yours since you can't find a way to get out of it.

Francis: Of course, Sean! Fine, I'll be home by 7.

What are you playing at brother? I never do dinner parties at mine as I never have the time to organise them and the family dinners never end well, either guns are pointed at someone's head, or my father forcing me to come back claiming it as my duty for the family. But it's not my purpose, I just don't like being told what to do, if I had stayed in the Mafia, not only would I have to listen to my brother, but also my father. Even if Sean becomes Don, father has the final say until the day he dies.

I look at the time realising the meeting startin 2, I get up from my desk buttoning my suit jacket heading out the door, let'sget this over and done with. 

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