Chapter Four

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The border room is filled with old white men, wow not even one woman leaving me the only one great, the door opens everyone stands up, I turn to find Francis standing in the doorway, I stand up waiting for him to say something. He walks in the room finding a seat next to me, "Sit!" the men do as they were told. I open my notebook to take notes for the meeting, before I begin to write Francis places his hand onto the book, "Not necessary... I won't be long" I nod in confusion, then what's my purpose in being in this meeting?

"Gentlemen, what do I owe the pleasure in seeing you all again for the five-time this month?!" Okie damn, he really did wake up on the wrong side of the bed today, "Mr De Reyes, the counsellors and I have given you many offers to replace your company due to the city regulations, but we have come to the conclusion to listen to what you would like to receive for the building". Okie now I know why he's pissed today, but why is the city council trying to get rid of Francis?

"Without a valid reason, I will keep declining your proposal, simple as that gentlemen", "But Mr De Reyes we are restricted from saying nor show, you must trust with our word", these old men that have probably worked for the council for years, and still don't know their actual legislations, something is not right!

"If I may, the council should provide legal documentation to be proven regardless of the situation, considering that Mr De Reyes has done more for the city than the city council itself, if this accusation is placed on Mr De Reyes personal vendetta, under the commonwealth v brown, Mr De Reyes has every right to take it upon a judge to be dealt with in court, and must I say gentlemen, it will not work out in your favour".

All the men in the room mouths dropped, I was just stating the facts! They are coming at Mr De Reyes for no reason, I turn my head to find Francis with a smile on his face, "and who are you Miss....", "Carter",

"Well Miss Carter, are you Mr De Reyes lawyer?" Oh, he wants to play, okie....

"No Counsellor, I'm Mr De Reyes secretary, before you proclaim in knowing the law, what I had just stated is the common law of the council itself, everyone who wishes to own or build within the city of New York it is well and truly stated in the bylaws, it is ashamed how a simple legislation was failed to be mentioned in the proposal, Counsellors do you realise this can result in a massive fine?"

They are all lost for words, Francis gets up from his seat, buttoning his jacket, "Well, Gentlemen you will be hearing from my lawyers, this meeting is over" I grab my things then start to follow Francis out, closing the door behind me, Francis was speed walking towards his office with a phone to his ear, well I guess I will be in my office.

When I entered my office the phone starts to ring, "Hello?", "Carter office now!", oh shit I'm going to get fired, but I just saved his ass, was it because I wasn't supposed to speak? Ugh, here we go.


When Rose entered the room I could smell her perfume from here, the scent of sweet, intense, its play with my mind, driving me crazy, "you wanted to see me sir?", the way her mouth moves as she speaks, leaving images in my head, what can that mou..., oh god Francis pull yourself together!

I clear my throat, trying to find the words to speak, trying to get this image out of my head of her on her knees with my cock with those big, beautiful lips, I pinch myself to remind that I cannot cave in!

"Uh...yes.... sit" as I point at one of the chairs in front of my desk, the way she walks is driving me insane the way her hips sway side to side, lord have mercy, "Miss Carter, may I ask what happened in that boardroom?". Never in my years of business have I seen a woman talk control in a room full of men, the way she spoke so clearly, she saved my company from those idiots just from one sentence! How did she know so much about the bylaws that even my own dumb lawyers I have hired did not come up nor didn't do their research properly, note to self, fire those idiots.

"I'm sorry Mr De Reyes if I have offended you in any way, I was making a statement...please don't fir..."

"Now, now Miss Carter do not jump into conclusion" this could be a good excuse to fire her and end my misery and end this stupid bet, but she did just save me millions and this fucking company, "I just want to say thank you for saving this company, the council has been trying to force me out of the city for months, but how did you know so much about these bylaws, not even my own lawyers bloody knew?"

She went really quiet, no words... she took a few deep breathe before making eye contact with me, "I studied a lot throughout high school, and I took interest in learning law that I actual majored in" why do I feel like there is more to this story? "Okay, well thank you, you may leave as I have important business to attend too" she nods, once she leaves my office, I call Mercutio up.

"Ah I see you have failed my dear friend, ahaha I knew you could hold it in"

"Shut up Mercutio, nothing happened, I'm calling because I need you to find me a better law firm because these idiots didn't do their job correctly that could have cost me this company!"

"She saved your ass, didn't she? Oh Francis, I actually envy you, hey if you want to call off this bet, I'm more than happy to comply"

"No that won't be necessary, just do as you are told bye!"

I will not back down, let them get in my head, fuck that, I really need to keep my distance from Rose or I'm going to fucking lose it!


Finishing off my last file my first day was finally complete, today was interesting and I should get a raise from saving this company, I can't wait to tell Daenerys when I get home, I email Francis saying I have done my work and ready to go home. I close my laptop then I was out the door, I lock my office up as I wait, standing outside for Francis to walk out since his my ride.

After a couple of minutes his finally out, he walks past me as I don't exist, okie rude, after the awkwardness in the elevator we were finally in the car, Francis kept his eyes on the road not saying a word, have I done something wrong? He literally just thanked me for saving his company, did I do something wrong with the work? God can this ride be over, I just can't wait to get home and jump into a bath with a nice glass of wine.

My prayers have been answered when we have finally arrived in front of the gate, when the gate is fully open, I see cars everywhere since the house is all open and glass you can literally see the people inside and god there was a lot. Does Francis have an important event and I didn't know, shit is that why he's upset because I didn't confirm anything, oh shit.

Francis parks the car and unbuckles his seatbelt as do I, we both get out of the car to find a group of people waiting, "Francis what took you so long" this lady walks up to him, hugging the living shit out of him, I'm going to talk a guess that it's his mother, I can see the resemblance, she is gorgeous. "Francis are you not going to introduce your friend" she comes up to me pulling me into a tight hug, "mother this is my new secretary, and she is leaving", "nonsense, the poor thing looks like she hasn't eaten all week, come, come you must have dinner with us", "mother I don't think it's a good idea as we both have work pretty ea..".

"Shut it Francis, now come Bella", "I'm sorry?" how the fuck does she know my actual name, "my mother is Italian.... Mama her name is Rosaline.... Rosaline Carter" oh thank god, I was going to pass out for a second. She grabs hold of my hand pulling me inside, "we are having a little family reunion since Francis works all the time it was best to hold it are his estate", "it smells amazing Mrs De Reyes".

"Rosaline, please call me Vanessa, Mrs De Reyes sounds like I'm old" I nod at her request when a bell was rung everyone started heading towards outside, my arms are still connected with Vanessa as we continue to walk outside. Outside was a giant, long white table with candles and flowers along the middle of the table, this must be some family reunion. 

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