family reunion 👻👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻

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i wake up and go downstairs

i make a bowl of cereal almost forgetting the bowl

"oops i- i- i- i- i- i- i- i- i- i- i- i- im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo clumsy" i say

i hear a knock on my door

bucky boo also hears it and comes downstairs

"who is it my little orange peel?" he asks

i love it when he uses pet names

they're so romantic

"i don't know bucky boo"

i open the door and see my grandpa at the door

"g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- g- grandpa?" i say

"w- w- w- w- why are y- y- y- y- y- y- y- you here?"

"i'm here to take you back" he hisses

i always knew he was a snake

just like that fake blonde

i'm glad i shot him

i see bucky begin to take out his gun

"no bucky don't!" i say

"but my little lemon zest, hasn't this man hurt you?"

"yes bucky, but he's family. i must be with him till the end of the line"

"that's what steve used to say. but he left me"

"you killed him"

"same thing"

i gaze into his baby blue orbs.

i get lost in them

just like when we first met when he broke into my room and told me to jump out the window and onto a moving plane

young love

"grandpa you must leave"



"leave" i say, summoning the inner slytherin queen within me

"ok" my grandpa says and he leaves

"that was beautiful," bucky boo says to me

"thank you buck"

we kiss for 39484947838392838483848382801828373625142562637730405836252744662516251514152638494738276262849473652637362625273826266283437623777262527637216262538373 milliseconds.

"i'm hungry bucky"

"let's go out for food"


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