italian seasoning 😩😩🇮🇹🍝🍕

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bucky boo and i enter his $3948484729287623738733892019726373937363647474847493992278384749292822893733027182873494948493292283938 honda and we drive to the nearest italian restaurant

we exit the honda and enter the restaurant

"can we have a table for two please?" bucky  asks the host

"we do not have any tables available right now" the bald crusty musty dusty host says

bucky boo pulls out his nerf gun and points it at the host and says "i said gimme a table for two"

the host leads us to the table

"that was so hot bucky boo, i love it when you become a brainwashed assassin"

"anything for you my little carrot top"

i take a look at the menu and see an absolutely revolting picture

it's my french teacher holding broccoli soup

"what is it baby gorl" bucky boo asks me

"i- i- i- i- i- i- i- i- i- i- i- i- it's this picture," i say, "it has my immortal french teacher"

"don't worry baby gorl, i'll protect you from edward cullen"

"thank you buck"

the waiter comes and gets ready to take our order

theres something familiar about her

after bucky orders the fettuccine and i order tbe garlic bread i realize who she is

instantly the inner slytherin queen inside me activates and i pounce on the waitress tracking the redhead from the airplane who is also my french teacher

i grab buckys nerf gun and shoot her like the baddie i am

i step onto the table and i feel something building inside me

i start singing


when i finish everyone in the restaurant claps including the dead lobster on someone plate

i walk over to the kitchen and take 69 pieces of garlic bread

"c'mon bucky, let's go"

"of course darling"

"i love it when you get submissive and breedable bucky boo boo"

"i love it when you summon your inner slytherin queen"

and with that we head home and head off to bed

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