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I felt my bones sting from the impact of punching her hard jaw. Brooke, not expecting anything, lost her balance and fell on the floor. Amaya got up, quickly running away from the scene. A small thank you won't hurt, you know?

"YOU DARE-" Brooke shouted but I kicked at her side. I think I gave myself too much credit and tried to follow the action twice, only for the other girl to catch my ankle and pull me down. I knocked my head on the floor and Brooked rolled over. She punched my nose and I groaned, tasting blood from the inside of my mouth. 

Since she was hovering over me, I took my chance to knee her in the stomach. She let out a sound, a very animal like, weird one. Then, I felt Brooke's nails dig into my shoulder. 

So you want it the dirty way? Bring it on. I'm the queen of cat fights.

I pulled the girl's hair but then realized it wasn't much use because it was short. Taking advantage of my stupid move, Brooke quickly got up and kicked my side. I saw stars in broad daylight. My bullet wound was partly healed but it still hurts, especially when someone kick me like this. 

Maybe I suck at cat fights. 

Brooke brought her foot again when Alec came in between. "THAT'S ENOUGH BROOKE."

"But this brat was the one who started!" Brooke said breathing heavily.

"And you can end it now."

"Or what?" She laughed. The laugh was too ugly to be called feminine.

Jett helped me get up. I swung an arm around his shoulder because it was difficult to stand by my own. "Or I will have to enter this, and it won't be nice." Alec gritted his teeth. Brooke backed away, with an irritated face. Couldn't blame  her, no one, not a single human being with a brain, would mess with Alexander Waters. Well, maybe except for me.

Just then Marlene and two other exhausted looking girls burst through the door. "GUESS WHAT?!" she started off cheerful but then gasped at the scene. Hehe, sorry Mar. "What the actual-"

"Mar," Jett cut her off. "Help me take Eve to the infirmary." Marlene nodded and we left the room.

We were waiting in the corridor when Alec finally came out. He walked to me and pinned me to the wall looking devastated. "WHAT WAS THAT HUH?"

"I don't know. The girl was about to get bull-"

"But that's none of your business," he snapped and turned to Jett and Mar, releasing me. "I'm going to take her to the infirmary."

"We are coming too."

"You two need to stay and find out our results." He pointed out.


"Common sis. It'll be fine." Jett said, leading Mar back to the waiting room, whispering something in her ear. She snorted. Seriously Jett? What wrong have I done, for you to abandon me like this?

Soon as they went inside, Alec picked me up. He started walking, carrying me in bridal style. "Hey! put me down! I don't wanna be princess-carried! I can walk!"

"No you can't."

"I do have two legs for gods sake." Ignoring my protests, Alec carried me all the way to the infirmary. There wasn't anyone inside, so he set me on the nearest bed. I leaned back against the bed post, Alec sitting on my bed facing me. Without warning, he lifted the hem of my t-shirt. I slapped his hand away, quickly pulling it down. 

"Let me check." he reached again.

"NO! keep your hands for yourself." I hissed but blushed like an utter moron. 

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