"I'm not crying because of you, you're not worth it. I'm crying because my delusion of who you were was shattered by the truth of who you are."
I knew where to punch him where it hurts. Or I thought I did.
It wasn't until she lost someone dearl...
I nervously tapped my fingers on the table, not sure whether or not to start a conversation. I haven't met Carla until tonight. We did make a pretty good unit back at the control room, but it was still awkward when sitting in front of this mysterious friend of Alec.
What if they are more than just friends? Who knows what secrets Alec might be keeping? He is very secretive after all.
"Don't be stupid," I mumbled to myself. Carla was too focused on her phone to hear me. Though, I might have imagined her lips quirking to fight a smile.
I feel like getting another hamburger. The taste was heavenly with a mixture of crisp and savour. My stomach craved for another even after gobbling down Alec's one too.
It's not my fault that this place offers such delicious food. Besides, there is no such thing as too many hamburgers.
"You are drooling," Carla said, looking up from her phone.
"I'm not!" I complained but reached for a napkin. I was not exactly drooling. I was tempted to point at the man on who was asleep on his smoothie in the front booth. Now, that's called drooling.
"Humph," she snorted.
"How long have you known Alec?" I asked her, trying to sound genuinely curious.
"About ten years?"
My eyes went wide. That was quite a long time. I felt a pang of jealousy. "Do you like him?" I blurted and flushed in embarrassment. When my curiosity was taking control of my mouth, there is no way to stop it from asking unimaginable stuff.
She smirked. "What does it matter?"
"I... uhh... no it's um just... N-nothing... it d-doesn't matter actually-"
Carla burst into a bubble of laughter. I wanted to become completely, utterly invisible. The amount of embarrassment was too much for today. "I'm sorry-" Carla cleared her throat to stop laughing but ended up making sounds like a pig.
"I have a girlfriend," she said and waited, perhaps for me to judge her. Though, I'm not the judgemental type. I'm actually happy that she has someone. I almost felt like an idiot for asking whether she liked Alec. But again I didn't know Carla was lesbian...
"So I don't have a crush on Alec." She was smiling at me. "Unlike you," she added with a wink.
"I don't-" I started to protest but stopped when seeing Alec approach us.
"I paid the bill," he said while tucking his wallet back into the back pocket. "Shall we leave?"
We nodded and stood up. I looked around the restaurant for one last time. It was nice coming here and I wished we could come again. I opened my mouth to make the suggestion to Alec, but he didn't catch my eye.
It was just Alec and I walking in the tunnels leading up to our dormitories. Our own footsteps echoed behind us. I shivered. "Aren't you cold?"
"Mhm," was all he said.
I turned to look at Alec who was walking beside me. He had his hands jammed in his pockets and was staring ahead. His features were tensed and neutral, almost like a lost puppy. I didn't notice he was paler than usual after returning from the restrooms.
I hesitantly reached and touched his arm. It was colder than ice. "Alec?"
He flinched away from my touch. "What's wrong?" I asked, my voice coming out a bit worried. He shook his head and continued to walk. I watched after him, oblivious about his sudden change in attitudes. Was it something I did? or said?
"I'm fine you know?" I remembered how he was worried about me earlier. 'Not everything is about you' my subconscious reminded me.
"Please talk Alec! I'm starting to get worried!" We reached his room. He flipped the room card, ignoring my presence. "Why are you acting as if I'm invisible?" I demanded.
Once again, he ignored me and I realized something was absolutely wrong. He tried to swipe the card to unlock the door, but I stopped him by grabbing his wrist, a bit harder than I intended. "Don't ignore me," I hissed.
Alec tried to pull his arm away. I dug my nails into his skin and didn't let him.
"Ow! You are hurting me," he finally talked.
I let go of him. "But it worked didn't it?" I replied, harshly. The boy sighed and took a deep breath.
"Listen, Eve, I'm exhausted and I want to rest. You should get some rest too."
"You can't get away that easily, you miserable pudding-head!" I crossed my arms over my chest.
Despite his moody behaviour, his lips twitched. "Why are you so stubborn?"
"I may ask you the same question." I rolled my eyes.
"Fine. What do you want to know?"
"The reason behind your sudden mood! The reason why you ignored me! And acted as if a ghost haunted you in the toilet!"
"I'm just tired-"
"Liar!" I cut him off. "You keep on lying, one layer above another. You ought to be ashamed of yourself but you are not. I hate to break it to you, Alexander, but sometimes keeping your damn mouth shut is worse than lying it off! Can't you see it, Alec? That your secrets are torturing me? I trusted you! Trusted you enough to tell secrets that I shouldn't be sharing. I keep telling myself that you are my friend, but I can't help but have doubts about your duality! Once you act like you care and then suddenly, poof, I don't even exist! I'm pathetic enough to let you hit me with a brick over and over, but still, crawl to you like a dejected, sick worm."
I stopped when realizing that I was talking like an express train. For a moment, his unreadable handsome face looked like an open book. He knew I had a bad temper, but still, he looked overall shocked. Some of his inner vulnerability was breaking through the hard surface that held all of his mysteries.
"Then why do you trust me so much?" he asked, his hands shaking in fists.
I admit I wasn't ready to answer that particular question. I stayed silent.
"Answer me, Evelyn!" he shouted, taking ahold of my shoulders. "Tell me why you trust me so much!" His blue eyes poured into mine. I saw that he was helpless, trying so hard not to lose his self-control.
I'm a coward. I couldn't bear the intensity. I closed my eyes. "Damn it, I wish I know," I whispered.
He released me and took a step back. I winced, waiting for some more shouting or a rude comment to end it all. Wait, I'm the one who is supposed to be mad right? How did this conversation take a sudden turn?
"Get a shower and some rest," he said. I glared at him with my eyes wide. "Let's meet again at 5pm, sharp. I have something to show you."
"Trust is earned when actions meet words"
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