Confessions (Other Schools)

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Tetsurou Kuroo-

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Tetsurou Kuroo-

-Living so far from Tokyo made hanging out often a bit impossible, plus the two of you had other obligations like school and practice.

-But you talked to each other almost everyday, whether that be through text, calling, or more often than anything face time.

-This particular night Kuroo had agreed to help you study for an upcoming chemistry test you had.

The night had dragged on, let just say chemistry wasn't your favorite subject, at least not when you're sleep deprived and running on a half a cup of coffee.

"Hey hey, stay awake. My presence cannot be that boring." The dark haired boy on your phone screen currently had his chin rested in the palm of his hand, a classic smirk laid on his features.

"You have no idea," you tone reaching a sleepy octave as you yawned and stretched, "I think that's enough for tonight. I'll study more in the morning. I'm tired." You rubbed your eyes and reached to end the call, "night roos-"

"Stay on the line," it wasn't a demand, more of a request and when you looked at him he was smiling so softly at you.

"You want to fall asleep together?"

"Nah, I just wanna annoy you more, if you fall asleep you fall asleep." That shit eating grin was back.

"You're really not making a case for yourself here."

"Okay okay yeah, I promise I'll let you sleep, just stay on a bit longer please." You sighed and nod before getting up from your desk and flopping onto bed laying the phone on your beside table and propping it up against your lamp so you could still see each other.

"You're so weird" you yawned nuzzling your face further into the pillows.

"You know you love me."

"Yeah I know." You were too sleepy to fully register your words, but Kuroo felt his face heat up.

"You're too cruel, (Y/N).." he muttered hiding his face in his hands attempting to wait the blush out.

"Whats that-" you opened your eyes to look at him only to take in his current position, he was blushing, why was he doing that? Then your mind began to register the few seconds previous and you started to blush.

"I mean, I wouldn't say I love you necessarily, but I do uh like you." You muttered out slowly. At that he uncovered his face and smiled dreamily at you,

"So cruel."


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