Time to Be Annoying :3

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So you know how everyone on Wattpad is getting bombarded with all of these challenges? Some are dumb, but some are good?

Well, I'm going to be annoying and create my own challenge and make you guys do it >:3

So, my challenge will be called "Thank You Note."

So, here are the rules for Thank You Note.

Almost every writer on here was inspired by authors to get into writing, whether on this website or somewhere else. So, this challenge gives you all the chance to say thank you! Just give a shout out to the author(s) and say why or how they inspired you! The author can even be a legitimate published author too!

I think this will be fun, right :D?

Also, you have to tag at least one person to do the challenge, but there's no maximum number ^-^ and I'll only do this challenge if it somehow gets back to me and I'm challenged XD

Now, to get it started, I challenge:


Have fun guys!

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