Good Lord Someone Kill Me Now

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So I took Foods 1 and 2 last year, and this year I signed up for the Foods Independent Study Class.

I had no idea what I was getting into.

So last year I had a really bitchy teacher for Foods 2. Just my luck, she's my teacher AGAIN but for this class >____>

Last year, she took a liking to me, because I don't know if I've ever told you guys this about me, but...I can decorate cakes pretty good and I'm a hardcore baker.

So yeah.

She's one of those really old lady teachers who tries way too hard to be cool and totally makes a fool out of herself, thinking the class is laughing with her when they're actually laughing at her.

Yes, she's THAT bad.

Not to mention that she just sucks at teaching in general. Anyways...getting back on track here...

So she basically made me her teacher's pet last year AGAINST MY WILL and my entire class ended up hating me for the rest of the semester because of that. She'd always make me run errands for her, clean up the classroom, and she'd even hold me after class and take time out of my lunch period just to talk to me.

Good lord this woman drives me bat crazy. Naturally, I'm nice to her. I'm not that much of a bitch. (Conceal don't feel...)

So this year, my initial thought was: "Ok, I can handle the teacher. She's tolerable since she actually likes me. But, since it's a new class, it's a fresh start! So they won't hate me!!"

Right? Wrong. So very fucking wrong.

Not only is this teacher bat crazy, but she's a straight up BITCH unless she likes you.

And she does not like many people.

...actually I don't think she likes anyone but me.

See why everyone hated me last year?? I didn't exactly enjoy getting special treatment because it turned everyone against me >___>


Sorry XD I keep getting off track.


So I walk into class on my first day (this past Wednesday) and I take a seat at one of the tables. I had no idea what I was getting into.

You see, I'm the only person in the entire school this semester taking this class... *sweatdrop* yeah...not kidding. So, naturally, I don't get an entire class period all for my class since I'm the only student. So, my class is combined with my teachers 2nd block Foods 2 class.

No joke, this is literally what I do: I sit there off to the side and listen while she teaches the Foods 2 class.


---back to the first day.

So the bell rings and everyone sits down, and the teacher grabs her attendance and gets that out of the way. Then, after introducing herself to the class, here is the horrific events that took place next...

~Wednesday, January 21st 2015~

Teacher: "Class, I would like to introduce you to Serena Daniels here!" The teacher points to me, and everyone immediately looks at me. "Serena, please stand up and take a bow!"

Me: O____O (she can't be serious...right?) "Umm... Did you actually want me to stand up and take a bow...? For real?"

Teacher: "Yes! Of course!"

Me: *reluctantly stands up and awkwardly bows a little* "Uh-umm...h-hi everyone...?" *nervously glancing at the whole class who is glaring at me*

Teacher: "Serena here was my personal FAVORITE student last year, and she's actually not one of you at all! In fact, she's so much better that she's in the Independent Study Class!"

Me: O____O (o-oh God... Please stop...) *standing there like a deer in front of car headlights*

Teacher: (she's still going while I'm internally dying, may I mind you) "Serena here is just so talented! You have to see some of her work! Her cakes are amazing, and so is her technical skill! She's flawless in every way possible---Blah blah blah..."

Me: ;-; (please stop...)

Students: *all glaring at me*

~Ten Minutes Later~

Aaaaand then she finally stopped talking.

T______T so the cycle repeated and now my class hates me all over again....

But that's not even what takes the cake.

So after this catastrophe, I decided that I'll be able to stick it out for the semester because I get to cook cool stuff.


My first day, I just sat there the whole time and did nothing. I wrote chapter 11 of TSTHOAT on my phone and got it ready to publish for my Friday update.

My second day, she had me staple together like 1,000 packets.

And then today I had to hole punch those packets and take down some posters in the hallway that were stapled to the walls and re-staple them to the wall further down the hallway. That second one was really hard because I'm very short and I had to staple those dang posters up very high. I basically jumped up and down every time I had to staple a corner and slammed the open stapler onto the wall as hard as I could and hoped it stapled.

It's been 3 days of class and this is all I've accomplished.

I wish I was making this up.

Vote for this chapter of you pity me. My rant is done.

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