14th October 2021

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Hello my lovely readers!

I hope you're all having a good day! Today I'm not that tired, which is strange considering I stayed up texting Ben again...maybe I'm getting used to it? We're both slowly turning nocturnal together haha.

Tonight we spoke about more things we could do when we can see each other again. I said about watching the sunset and the stars come out from somewhere high up, and he said "yesss and cuddles all night". Haha we're going crazy for cuddles because virtual ones aren't the same. He called me his little cuddle monster hahaha. Speaking of cuddles, I'm making Ben a Christmas present, although I won't be able to give it to him so I'll take a picture of it and send that on Christmas, and eventually I can give it to him. But aren't you all lucky, you can see the work in progress because Ben doesn't have Wattpad! Here it is so far:

 But aren't you all lucky, you can see the work in progress because Ben doesn't have Wattpad! Here it is so far:

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I'm drawing us! :)

He keeps asking me what I want but I keep telling him he doesn't need to get me anything. xD

He's REALLY determined though haha.

Ben also keeps dropping hints about his proposal to tease me, because he knows it's reeeally frustrating for me that I don't know what he'll do xD
He said "It might be at your favourite place in the world. Who knows? Maybe an amazing holiday."


We were saying how amazing it will be to wake up in each others arms, and spend every second with each other without a stupid rule that forbids it. He said "Morning cuddles with my favourite person." Hahaha it's so cuuute!!

We know that we can push through this season together because we're a team, and soon we'll get to see each other again. It's just the waiting that's really frustrating...

Our parents will see us and think, "What on earth did we miss?"

A lot. They missed a lot.

I think it's a good idea that me and Ben start making a list of things we can do to save bills, decor ideas, ideal homes, etc., so that we're prepared when it comes to it. Although we can't really decide on a budget until we're both in full time jobs, because then we'll know the annual salary and base things on that.

Gosh we're still mid teens but all of this is fun xD

I think it's good to plan the future now, so we're as prepared as we can be. Although right now we just need to focus on exams...

I have an assignment due today but I'm no where near finished, and it's really stressful (ugh). But this time next year I'll be in college, and then the following year I get to spend college with Ben, and then we're out into the big wide world. Scary. But I know we'll make it together. We have so much to look forward to, and so now I finally have something to motivate me. I mean yeah, college was a good motivation, but it wasn't really enough. But all that changed so suddenly!

This has turned out to be the best week of my entire life so far. And it's only going to get better.

Signing off,
Eloise :)

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