18th October 2021

10 3 0

Dear fellow readers,

I had another fun night with Ben, and can I just say, he is a wally and his sense of humour is ridiculous. xD
That's one of the things I love about him! Haha.

 xDThat's one of the things I love about him! Haha

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I do agree that was really bad, it made me cringe but I was dying with laughter too because coming from him it was hilarious to read

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I do agree that was really bad, it made me cringe but I was dying with laughter too because coming from him it was hilarious to read. xD

We decided to text until 11pm (we ended up taking 15 minutes to say goodbye though - and that's not even our record) because he was back at school today, and we'd stayed up REALLY late over the weekend. So I'm hoping he won't almost fall asleep in history again. xD

Even though it's hard saying "Oki let's sleep tonight", we still do it because we need good grades if we want to go to college haha. So yes, I still sleep SOME nights. Emphasis on some. And when we do talk all night, it's usually until like 1:30am (apart from that one time we stayed up until 4am), so we get at least 5 hours of sleep or so. And strangely, it's not as affecting as you would think. I guess it's being happy that energizes us (I'm sorry but when I said that, I thought of Power Rangers and I couldn't think of a better word xD). If I was still depressed and I got that much sleep, I'd be like, "Nah. I'm done."

But this morning, I woke up to a text that had me crying my eyes out because it was so sweet and I swear you CANNOT find a better boy than Ben:

But this morning, I woke up to a text that had me crying my eyes out because it was so sweet and I swear you CANNOT find a better boy than Ben:

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Bless. His. Incredible. And loving. SOUL!!!!! I love him so muuuch!!! (T o T)

I have really been blessed with him. THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!!!

And we're going to be together for the rest of our lives, and I can spend SO much time with him, and show him just how much I love him because words are seriously not enough. We will go through stressful times together and support each other, and we'll always be a team. We will experience everything together. We will see the world together. We will grow old together. And I will never ever ever eveerrr stop loving him. EVER.


But anyways I have more assignments due real soon so I better get on with those (aghgahhh school). I hope everyone here has a great day too!

Signing off,
Eloise :)

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