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november 9th, 1984

"Nice scarf."

"Wanna try that compliment again without laughing this time, Steve?"

Rosalie's hickies were almost gone. Yesterday she got away with wearing another turtle neck. But she had to get creative today which is why the green scarf wrapped around her neck was tucked in her jacket. By tomorrow she would be able to expose her neck to the light of day and hopefully the light marks wouldn't be noticeable. Steve tugged at the strings playfully and continued to chuckle.

"I mean it, it's pretty," he tells her once he composes himself. "But really, you should just wear them with pride. I mean, half the other girls at this school walk around with hickies, what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that I'm not like half the other girls at this school," she reminds him briskly, "if I show these I won't hear the end of it until graduation. People talk about us enough as is." She tells him, frustrated that Steve wouldn't drop the idea of trying to convince her otherwise. She shuts her locker harder than intended, making Steve shoot her a questionable look.

"Does this have anything to do with why you couldn't come over last night?"

Rosalie thinks back to the previous night. She had been studying for the test she had last period. Juggling the sleepless nights of constant nightmares and keeping up with lies with her Mom she had almost forgotten school was important, too. "I told you, I needed to study."

"And I told you I'm the perfect tutor." He held the door open for her as the two walked out of the building side by side towards his car at the top of the hill. "Plus I've taken the test already so I'm practically an expert."

"I saw your transcript I know you ended pre-calc with a C plus."

"That's a passing grade!" He laughs as the two pass a few students filing to their cars to drive home as well. A few girls stopped talking to watch them pass, whispering amongst themselves. Rosalie's ears burned as she looked over her shoulder to cut a glare across each of the gossiping girls.

She brings herself back to their previous conversation as the two make it to his car. "Steve, we both know you wouldn't have been able to focus long enough for us to make any real progress."

He considers her comment before unlocking the car door, "hmm, can't argue with you there." The door unlocks just as a cold wind whips through the air. Rosalie's nose burns and she shivers loudly feeling the inside of the car was much chillier than outside. Steve laughs at the noise, "okay just give the car a second to warm up." He tells her as he turns the key, cranking up the heat and brings the car to life. It doesn't help, instead of heat a gust of ice cold wind blows in Rosalie's face and she practically screams.


Now he's laughing harder, turning the air down and attempting to apologize over his chuckles. "I didn't know.. I'm sorry, Rose." When he catches his breath he reaches across the console to take her hands in his, "geeze, you really are freezing."

"Why would I be lying about something so painful?" She challenges, angered by the shivers and uncomfortable chill of the cold. Her hands shook in his and her teeth chattered until Steve's warm palms moved to her cheeks.

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