Chapter One: Death

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Charlie and I, we weren't rich, we weren't middle class or lower class, but we were downright poor. We had to sell the house due to bills getting higher and higher and even as he worked day in and day out at the police station, Charlie still couldn't afford to take care of the two us anymore. And as for Reneé and Phil, they died in a car crash that pushed them off the bridge and into the water. I guess you could say my life was pretty miserable.

It was like any other day; Charlie and me in my beat-up truck freezing to death as we tried to figure out how we were going to eat dinner today. Unfortunately, we'd used up our last 5 dollar bill last night to buy a small fish for us to split. We both knew that once we officially ran out of money, we'd have to resort to the worst, and today was the day we'd have to do that. We didn't dare speak it, but I'm sure we were thinking of the same thing.

"Well, let's face it," Charlie finally broke the painful silence. "We ran out of money, so we need to get free food instead,"

"And the only way to do that is to steal," I finished the sentence.

"Look Bells, I know you don't want to do this and I don't either, but it's the only option..."

"No, it isn't the only option, Dad. I told you I had a plan."


I was taken aback by his loud tone, and so was the group of drunk men on the corner a few feet away from us. The windows weren't even down and yet they'd heard Charlie's loud voice.

"No. I will not let you sell your body like some teenage prostitute so we can be comfortable! I'd rather kill you with my own hands than have you become something like that!"

Once again, I was in shock. My whole body froze, then quickly thawed when I became full of anger. How could he say something like that? He'd rather kill me..?

"Fine. You can go rob an innocent family of their food and money while I make my own money."

I pushed the driver's side door of the truck open.

"Bella, please," He begged.

"No." I muttered as I slammed the door in his face.

It was ten times colder outside then it was in the truck and I started to regret coming out here. But going back to Charlie wasn't an option. I refused to put up with him and his controlling attitude any longer. I was eighteen. A grown woman, ready to make her own decisions. My life, my body, my decisions. It was like a mantra in my head.

I walked up to the five guys on the corner who were bickering loudly over drinks.

"Hey boys," I said.

They turned their heads immediately and seemed to eat me up with their eyes. I had on a thin jacket and some jeans, so it wasn't the most attractive outfit, but they left no crumbs. They catcalled and whistled, encouraging me to come closer, so I did.

"Hey little lady," the tallest one said. "Why don't you show us a little something?"

"Sure thing," I said.

Looking back, I realize that I was nowhere near myself in this moment. This wasn't me, I would never do something like this. The old Bella was a kind-hearted girl who kept to herself, was a good kid, was fairly wealthy, and got what she wanted. But this Bella was someone I'd never known and definitely someone I didn't want to know.

I started to slowly unfasten the buttons on my jacket.


The men still watched me with eagerly.


The frosty winter air started hitting my body viciously and it hurt like hell, but I didn't care.


One more button to go. I hadn't gotten new clothes in months, so I still had the same outfit I'd been wearing the night Charlie told me we had to leave the house behind. It was a skimpy pajama set: lacy black top that made my small cleavage look big, and short shorts to match. All I had to do was take this jacket and jeans off and they would see it all.


There was a ton of weight on my back, then my head was bashed into the brick wall beside me and I hit the ground hard.

"No peep show for you! Creeps!" I heard Charlie say.

There was more dialogue from both the men on the corner and Charlie, but I couldn't hear it all. My head was swimming and everything sounded so distant and far. I knew that fall was enough for me to get a concussion. Even worse, it might've been enough for me to die. I was going to die. Charlie said he would kill me with his own hands before I attempted my plan, and that was exactly what he did.

Surprisingly enough, I woke up. I was in an office of some sort, like a home office. I was sprawled out over a desk with papers and pens stabbing my back. Two beautiful strangers were hovering above me. They really were beautiful. They both had pale skin, bright yellow eyes if that was possible, and their faces looked as if they were sculpted by the gods. My jawline could never be as sharp as theirs. One had chestnut brown hair and a curious expression while the other had blonde hair and looked as if he were focused on something, but I didn't know what could be so interesting about my face. The chestnut brown-haired one looked younger, but the guy next to him didn't look old either.

I tried to open my mouth and speak, but for some reason my throat burned like a forest in California.

"Just rest." Said the blonde man.

I nodded.

Then, with a motion so fast it was like a blur, the blonde man took my wrist and sunk his sharp fang-like teeth into my soft skin.

"Gah!" I groaned.

My entire body felt like it was on fire. A fire that just couldn't be put out. I caught myself wondering once again, what was happening?. This was the stuff you saw in horror movies. They weren't real, were they? I didn't dare say the word even if I was just saying it in my head. But I knew the truth.

I jerked and screamed, begging for the pain to stop, but it didn't. Then I wondered, was it possible to die twice? Or was something else going on here?

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