Chapter Two: Truth

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Then I woke again. Having died twice-both deaths unpeaceful, violent, and impossibly painful-I was really getting sick of waking up. Why couldn't death just look me in the face and swallow me whole? At least I would get to see Reneé again. At least I would be safe from Charlie and he could never hurt me again. At least I would never have to endure such horrible pain again. But no, I woke.

My eyes opened and fluttered around to assess my surroundings. I was in a bedroom surrounded by glass that looked out to the most beautiful forest I'd ever seen. There were piles and piles of books on the floor and even more lined up on wall of shelves across from me. I was lying on a firm couch with a small blanket over me. I didn't even feel cold, not even with the glass door wide open beside me. I felt radiant and energized, as if I'd just consumed a thousand energy drinks in under 5 minutes. What happened? There goes that question again...

Then the door in front of me opened and the chestnut brown-haired boy stepped into the room. I didn't know who he was, but something told me I could trust him and that I shouldn't fear him. Instead, the one I should fear would probably be the blonde-haired man. He bit me.

Wait a minute, a man bit me...

Then all the thoughts I'd had as I died for a second time came rushing into my brain immediately. I remember thinking, they aren't real. But I'd only used the word "they" because I knew if I used the real word I was thinking of-the word that told me exactly what these two strange men were-I would be in too much shock. But I knew the truth. Only monsters in horror movies sucked people's blood. I knew these men-or at least the blonde one-were monsters, and I knew exactly which monster they were...vampires. My breath hitched in my throat as I admitted that fact to myself.

"Hello," He said, his voice sounding smooth and velvety.

"Get away from me."

Despite my command, he continued to step toward the couch I was resting on.

"I'm here to help."

"Who even are you?"

"My name is Edward Cullen. The other man is my father, Carlisle Cullen."

I continued to stare at him for a moment. He stopped walking and sat down at the edge of the small couch. I grimaced.

"What Carlisle did was simply to help you. You were dying and well, we couldn't watch that happen. Carlisle has seen other young people like you on the brink of death-including me-and he felt a strong desire to save us from it. That's what happened to you."

"I-I don't understand." I stammered.

He took a deep breath before continuing.

"You're a vampire."

I tried to laugh, but my throat hurt, so it sounded more like a wheeze. He had to be crazy.

"What? You're joking, right?" I said, my voice rising.

"No. Just look at the facts. Put your hand on your chest. Feel your heart beating?"

I did as he said and lo and behold, there was no heartbeat in my suddenly cold, rock-hard chest. I started to freak out.

"No...what did you do to me!?" I panicked.

"What do you crave the most right now?"

I shook my head. I would not answer any of his ludicrous questions. There was no way vampires were real. Those were just the creatures in old myths, legends, and fiction novels. And if somehow they were real, there was no way I could be one, right? This was not happening.

"Say it. What do you crave the most right now?"

"No! Get out of my head you freak!" I yelled.

Suddenly the blonde man who must've been Carlisle was at the door asking permission to come in.

"Say it! Just say it, Bella!" The boy named Edward said.

"No! How do you even know my name!?"


"BLOOD. " I finally admitted. "I want blood, okay? Can I leave now?"

It wasn't a lie. My desire for human blood felt stronger than any emotion I'd ever felt.

"Fine, go ahead." He said.

I was on my feet with the first chance I got. I made a beeline for the door, but when I forced it open, Carlisle was blocking my exit.

"Excuse me," I said.

"Are you alright, Bella?" He said in a smooth, comforting tone.

"Leave me alone."

"Listen, I know this is hard for you, but if you let us help you, you can learn how to live this life the right way."

"No! I'd rather be dead than be a creature like you! Kill me! Just kill me already!"

I broke into a sob and my body went limp. Carlisle caught me before I could reach the floor and held me again this chest tightly. He was cold and hard-skinned like me, and that was oddly comforting.

"It's okay, everything's going to be just fine."

He rubbed my back in a soothing circular motion.

There was the sound of a door opening, followed by footsteps and voices.

A small brown-haired girl showed up beside Carlisle and me in the hallway. There were four others on the stairs, staring at us tentatively.

"Is everyone alright? I had a vision." said the brown-haired girl.

"I think it's time for a family meeting." said Carlisle.
Author's Note: Well, that's the end of this chapter! Intrigued yet? Mwahaha >:) Stay tuned!

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