Chapter Three: Blood

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The whole family meeting consisted of them telling me about the origins of vampires and explaining that the Cullen Coven were different than most vampires. They only drank animal blood, so that's what made their eyes yellow, but a vampire who drank human blood had brilliant red eyes. It all made sense, but it was hard to believe. I couldn't believe what I'd become. Now I wanted blood more than I ever wanted anything else. No, I needed it, and I would do whatever I needed to do to get it. Too bad they made a meal plan for me though which consisted of animal blood. Apparently human blood was stronger and tasted better, so it would be hard to get it if they were going to constantly be an obstacle in my way.

I also learned the names of everyone in the Cullen family.

Rosalie was the blonde-haired woman, Jasper was the one who could alter people's moods, Emmet was the big beefy one, Alice was the tiny girl and apparently she could see into the future, Esme was the mother of the family, and of course I already knew Edward the mind reader and Carlisle the doctor. I gagged at the thought of Edward. I hated him with all my heart-the heart I no longer had in reality-for forcing me to admit that fact that I was suddenly blood-hungry.

At some point I would have to get out of this house. According to the Cullens, I was a newborn vampire and so I would be hungry for blood and freakishly strong. There was no way I could satisfy those needs with them holding me back and making me drink animal blood.

It was later into the night-around 12 pm-when I came up with an escape plan. Then I remembered that vampires can't sleep, so there was no point in waiting for them to fall asleep to make my escape. I grunted in frustration. Even I couldn't sleep, then I remembered I was a vampire. Ugh, vampire. I would never get used to that.

I was in Edward's room lying on the couch again. There was a gentle knock at the door.

"Come in," I said.

It was Edward. The moonlight coming in from the glass walls lit up his face beautifully. I still hated him though.

"Hey, thought you might want this," he said.

In his hand was a tall glass with a dark red liquid inside. My nostrils perked up and if my heart could beat, it would pop out of my chest right about now.

"Here's to your new diet," he said jokingly.

I quickly made the connections.

"Animal blood," I said, disgusted.

I slapped the glass out of his hand. It flew to the floor and shattered into a million pieces and blood flew everywhere, even on the white couch I was lounging on.

"All or nothing, huh?"

"I want real blood, Edward,"

"Well that's too bad."

He turned and stalked to the door. I was a few parallel universes ahead of him though.

With a speed I didn't even know existed, I caught up to him and put him in a suffocating head lock.

"Bella!" He croaked.

"I said, I want real blood." I said through my teeth.

I twisted his neck and stepped away, satisfied that I'd made him see darkness, even if it was only temporary. I yanked the door open and rushed downstairs in a flurry.

All the other Cullens were in their bedrooms doing who knows what, but Alice and Jasper were cuddled up on the couch watching what looked like an old romance film. In my peripheral vision, I saw their heads whip around.

"Bella! Get her!" I heard Alice say, but I was already out the door.

As I ran out into the road, I felt liberated, exhilarated even. It felt good to be free. It felt good to know that soon I would be able to get my hands on any scrawny little human I wanted-until the Cullens caught up with me that was. Whatever, I wasn't about to ruin the moment. And I had the perfect human in mind for my first meal...

I ignored the fact that someone was chasing me and headed for the corner where my truck was parked. Quickly scanning the scene, I noticed the drunk men were no longer there. The little altercation between Charlie and me must've sobered them up and scared them away. Charlie wasn't hard to find. He was crouched in an alleyway around the corner, crying into his hands. Guilt consumed me for a just a second. Did I really want to do this? He didn't mean to kill me, did he? Premeditated or not, he still killed me and now that I was undead and well, it was time to take him out like he did with me.

I kept my footsteps light, as I didn't want to alert him until I got close enough to him...

He didn't look up from his hands until I was peering right over his shoulder.

"Hello there, dad." I said menacingly.


I could tell I had startled him and now his face was morphing into a bunch of different emotions: confusion, realization, and finally, fear.

"B-Bella! Baby, I thought you were dead! T-There was blood coming out of our head and and y-you wouldn't wake u-up!" He blurted.

"I was dead. And well, let's just say I had a little help coming back."

"What!? T-That's impossible! You were dead! How can you be a-alive if you were d-dead!"

He stood up shakily and went to hug me. I hugged him back for a moment before moving forward with my plan.

"Mhm. Don't worry, I'm here now, and I'm going to make your life hell if you still have one by the end of the night,"

I drew my head back, opened my mouth, and my fangs did the rest as they snapped into place at Charlie's warm neck.

Never in my life had I thought I would want to devour someone's blood, but here I was sucking it out of my father and it felt so good. Animal blood was probably nothing compared to this...

"Bella! Stop it! You're going to kill him!" I heard Edward call from behind me.

But no, I didn't want to stop. I wanted to drain the life out of Charlie like he drained the life out of me.

My head was yanked from Charlie's neck against my will and I stumbled backward, realizing that even vampirism clearly wasn't going to make the clumsiness go away.

I heard the screams and wails coming from Charlie. My venom was going all through him right now, making him burn. This was way better than giving him an Insta-kill. He was suffering, just like I wanted. That was enough to satisfy me, even if I couldn't kill him completely.

Since no one was reaching out to grab me yet and Edward was focused on nursing Charlie to health, I took this opportunity to run. But no matter how long I ran, they would catch up to me somehow. I needed to leave Forks. That was my best bet to freedom.

As if it were a sign from the universe, I found a pay phone on the side of the long road I was running on. I was running long enough that I surely would've lost the Cullens by now, so I figured it was safe to stop. I picked up the phone, and dug up some spare change I'd been hiding from Charlie in my shorts pockets. After inserting the coins, I picked up the phone and dialed the number to the Airport.

"Hi, I'm Bella Swan and I'd like to take the next flight to Virginia."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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