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-He WHAT?!- Glim explains, clearly starting to loose his cool.
-B-but he was FINE, HAPPY even!- she almost grabs the fawn aggressively again but is stopped by Sohone, who shakes his head in disappointment.
-No use in aggression now, Glim.- He sits her down before looking at Solaria, hoping she would continue.
The fawn had tears in her wide eyes, her ears down, hiding the funny shape in them.
After a shaky deep breath, she starts talking...


Solaria came out of her underwater cave and shook all the water off. Butterfly fawns have been there for generations and so they grow a lot of fur.
The pink fawn picks up flowers and food, she loves fruits so she comes pick them up every 3-4 days.
She saw the moon temple and dropped everything, she never had the chance to see the creature up close and she wanted to know what it was, so she starts climbing.
She climbs until she sees an opening, she hears someone talking and so she peeks.
It was a regular fawn, handsome none the less. He was tall, skinny (Solaria is more chubby looking) and he had shorter fur, not to mention he was blue.
She stays distracted hearing his voice, it was very soothing. Eventually she got spotted and so he calmly walks to her, just as curious.
They study each other, before he stick one of his arms out.
-Hello there, I'm Mune, the guardian of the moon. And who are you?-
Solaria shakes his hand before she quickly made sign language to explain she did not have one. Mune was surprised but then he thinks.
-What if I call you Solaria? Because of your beautiful aura!- he smiles. Solaria nods happily, clapping her hands to show how satisfied she was.
He motions for her to follow him and so they talk, for many hours.

Solaria started passing less time at her cave, now that she had a reason not to. She would quietly watch and wait for Glim to leave, before climbing from where she was hiding at to Mune. He asked about this before and, apparently, she didn't want to make new friends. Truth is she knew Mune and Glim were a couple and so she decided to stay away from her as she slowly developed feelings of her own.

With time Mune taught her how to speak, as he noticed her trying to do that before. Her speech wasn't perfect, but he was proud of her none the less.

A month passed and Solaria had an enormous crush on the fawn, but never said a thing for the same reasons she couldn't bring herself to personally meet Glim.
She happily waits before she overheard a little, and decided to come closer.
-Mune... I am sorry but... I don't think our relationship can work out... It was very hard for me to keep up before but now that I am training, I can't help but loose myself completely.- She states, an apologetic smile on her face.
Mune nods, his smile small and weak.
-I understand Glim, thank you for your honey- His smile never drops as she leaves.
The moment she was out of view, Mune lets out a gloomy aura and sits down on the floor, curling up.
Solaria tries to cheer him up by showing him a few berries she caught.
-Mune? You okay? Look, berries! Food helps heart heal- She tries, she was so desperate she stumbled over her words, Mune still understood none the less.
He stopped making noises, so Solaria tries shaking his shoulder to get his attention.
-Mune!- She calls until he turns his head up and her eyes widen. He had no pupils....
He starts growing horns and nerves appear all over his body, he even grows a little.
He grabbed Solaria by her neck. He said terrible things, horrible even, but in the panic she bit him and ran away.
She fell every here and there but that never stopped her from getting away.
End of flashback


Hey guys! Tysm for reading this! The story won't be long, cause as I said before , it's all based off of a dream, but I promise I sill finish this book AND add art so I can use it!
Follow my insta/YouTube: Hair_4_brainz

I am so excited to give y'all the next chapter... see you then!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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