4 || Acquaintances

214 13 2

The next morning, I woke up on the floor of my living room, Julchen snoring loudly next to me. Her hair was splayed out in long white fans, her shirt pulled half-up, and a hand on her stomach. Judging by the circles beneath her eyes, she must've woken up to nurse her hangover quite a bit. I put a hand to my head, running it back with my blonde bangs.

And I get up for the day.

I open the fridge, looking for something, anything, that I could eat. I found leftover sausages, which I could never turn down, and ended up heating them in the microwave. The timer dings. I take them out to savor at the table, which I did contentedly. The whole place was quiet, save for my sister's loud snores. It was best to just let her sleep.

Reaching into my pockets, I pull out the number. Feliciano's number. I stare closely at the perfect cursive handwriting, not knowing what I was to make of it. A boy couldn't possibly be giving me his number. I'm not remotely pretty, which was why Julchen ended up with all the guys. Even so, it was the first number I had gotten. It read, Call soon! -Feliciano Vargas beneath the number.

I knew, even though I'd never admit it, that I was pleased.

I made my way to my bedroom, which was neat and empty. I walk over to the desk sitting in the corner of my room, where a vase of wilting roses sat. I really needed to get them replaced, though, as mentioned, I really do suck at gardening. I set the note right by the base of the vase, then set a petal on top for good measure. I would never go so far as to throw it away, even if I had no idea when I was supposed to call a man I had only met twice.

There was really nothing left to do, except clean myself up a bit. I went to my bathroom, softly closing the door and turning on the faucet in my shower. The water ran down, cold at first, then really warm. I liked my showers almost hot. So, as soon as the temperature was satisfactory, I stripped down and climbed inside, letting the drops soak me up in their own little world of happiness. I loved taking showers. They kept me clean, and they kept me warm. And I liked it.

When I was finished, I wrapped and dried myself with a towel, steam curling about the room. I make my way to my room, shutting the door quietly, and get dressed. I wore a pair of jeans, and an olive-green button-up shirt. My hair was so short, it dried really quickly. I went back into the bathroom to brush my teeth, and that was it. I was ready for today.

I would normally take this time to clean up my entire apartment (as I like things orderly and neat), but Julchen was still sleeping on the floor on top of laid-out blankets. I ended up sitting on the couch awkwardly, not knowing what else to do besides cleaning. Julchen shifts in sleep, but only to turn herself over on her stomach.

There was his number I could call...

But what would I say? What could I say?

And why did he want me to call?

I decided to just let it sit there, which was unbearably painful, but it was just something I had to do. I thought that maybe I could take a walk. Julchen knew she could help herself (perhaps a bit too well), so I was sure that it'd be fine if I just left. Then, I did. I exit my apartment door, the cold New York air hitting my face.

It didn't last long. Something was in my way. I back up to find yet another person I happened to bump into. Upon seeing who it was, I do a double take. It was... Feliciano. His warm brown eyes sparkle in recognition. "Monica!" he cheers in his Italian accent. "What are you doing here?"

"I-I you I-I mean, I..." I'm stammering. I squeeze my eyes shut, wishing and hoping that by doing so, I could reset the moment to before I starting blushing like a fool. Feliciano giggles in a way that made me blush harder, and I'm not sure why. Maybe it was because I don't like being laughed at. "S-sorry," I finally settle, averting my glance. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I believe I just asked that question..." Feliciano says, a slight smile gracing his kind features. "But if you want an answer, I'm moving to this apartment with my brother." I glance at the door, and find that it was the one that was right next to mine. So this is where we cross paths for good. Of course. "Now, what are you doing here?"

"O-oh, u-uh, I live right there." I point meekly to my apartment door. "Aw, won't you look at me?" Feliciano pouts, referring to the fact that I was doing everything in my power to keep away from making any eye contact. "You'll have to excuse me, but... your eyes are so pretty, I can't help but beg you look at me. Heh."

I stop dead, and can't help but stare straight at him. His smile, his face, his little laugh. It made him seem so innocent. He thinks my eyes are... pretty? I never really thought much of them. They are just eyes. And yet, someone who had just barely come into my life told me they were pretty. I felt butterflies in my stomach. It felt funny.

"O-oh, uhm, thanks," I reply awkwardly.

I shift in the awkward silence that presumes, but Feliciano is as smooth as ever. His smile doesn't even waver as his eyes meet mine, and I turn redder than a tomato. Why am I being so awkward?!

Suddenly, I hear an all-too-familiar laugh. Of course. Julchen. You could easily recognize her laugh for its hiss-like sound - "kesesesese!"- and automatically know the name of the maniac laughing at you. And there she stood. A loose-hanging tank top, and a pair of pink pajama shorts. "Whatcha doin with this dope from last night?" she questions, wiggling her eyebrows.

Honestly, I'm surprised she even remembered that much.

"Oh, hullo~" Feliciano greets, waving enthusiastically at my older sister. "I'm Feliciano Vargas!" They shook hands.

"I am the awesome Julia Beilschmidt," my sister boasts, pointing to her chest with attitude. "But slightly less awesome people, like my sister, call me Julchen."

"Ahaha, veh," Feliciano grins, his smile close-eyed once again. I was sort of standing in the background, praying that Julchen wouldn't say anything. Of course, it was wishful thinking.

"My sister seems to be taking a liking to you, young man," she laughs - sorry, I mean hisses - pulling me in front of her by the shoulders. Her grip was cold and sharp. "She even kept your number nice and close!"

"Julchen!" I snap. "Stop it!"

But Julchen wouldn't stop. Of course she wouldn't stop, she's Julchen! I stare at the ground, frowning deeply with embarrassment. I hate to be embarrassed, and it only angers me on the occasion that I am. However, the mature thing to do would be to just sit it out, wait, and react appropriately.

"And she's blushing so very hard 'round you, you special Mr. Curl Curl!" She laughs hysterically once more, and, to my surprise, small pink patches appear on Feliciano's cheeks. I turn around abruptly. Julchen stops, finally, to see what I was doing.

"I-I w-was gonna g-go take a walk," I clear my throat, starting to walk down the stairs to the outside, where a nice and empty sidewalk awaited me. "S-so yeah. I-I guess I'll see you around soon."

I walk quickly, keeping my head down, and all the while wondering, what the crap was that mess?!

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