28.His plan

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"Yah! aren't you asleep?"Baekhyun asked Chanyeol for god knows how many time

" Not yet"Chanyeol answered

"Chanyeol don't think about what you saw in the cafe , just relax and sleep"Baekhyun told him and Chanyeol just nodded

After a while he could hear Baekhyun and Chen snoring. He quietly woke up and went to the balcony of the hotel.

He sat in the chair and took out his wallet , where he have kept Yuri's photo safely. It was photo of Yuri in hanbok.

"Yuri-ah bogoshipda , i really miss you so much"he said in a low voice and kissed the photo.

He was now crying silently . He looked up in the sky

" How are you yuri-ah? don't you miss me ? how is it staying up there?"He asked looking in the sky where there was only stars and moon

"Are you looking at me , You must be worrying about me from up there , but don't worry I'll be okay,i promise you "he said

Then he again looked at the photo .

" today i saw a girl who looks exactly like you , For a while i thought she was you but she isn't , Aren't you worried that I'll fall for her?"he asked the picture as if picture could talk

"But don't worry you are the only one for me , Wait for me until i come up there to meet you , Just like you waited those seven years for me "he said putting the photo near his heart

Then gradually he drifted to sleep. Even in his dream he was crying.

In the morning when Chen woke up he saw door to the balcony open. He went to check and saw Chanyeol sleeping in a chair.

Chanyeol was sweating too much and became restless . Then Chen woke him up.

" Chanyeol are you okay?"he asked

" Yeah , I am okay it's just the dream from the day of accident"Chanyeol said and went bathroom to freshen up

He was brushing his teeth infront of mirror and recalling the day of accident , when suddenly something from the day of accident strike him.

He immediately went out of bathroom and called Suho.


" Yebuseyo , hyung i need you to check something"-Chanyeol

" What should i check?"-Suho

"Go to the ****** and ask him what caused **** to *** , The main reason behind her ***** , Could it be due to a simple head ******?"-Chanyeol

" What are you thinking about ?"-Suho

"Just do it and I'll tell you"-Chanyeol said and ended the call

Then he called Baekhyun , Chen , Tao, kai , sehun.

" Listen guys i have something to tell you "Chanyeol said

" What is it ?"Kai asked yawning and scratching his head

" Listen , When ******** happened i was protecting **** by staying infront of *** , *** only got a injury in *** head due to hitting the metal in the *** , But at the time of *** ***** the ****** said *** was loosing her ******* , Will it be possible because of **** ******?"Chanyeol asked and all the boys were shocked

"How did you?"

"What are you trying to prove?"

" What will you do?"

The boys raised so many questions at a time.

" Chill guys you'll find out when i sort this matter"Chanyeol said and went out of the room


What is Chanyeol planning ?

Well the words in *star* are the keywords.

Also , enjoy the photo of Yuri that Chanyeol kept in his wallet.Isn't she lovely in that hanbok.

And are you guys reading my other fanfic ? If yes then a huge thank you and If not then please do read it.

Salamat po

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