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Hajin's pov

Today Chanyeol will be leaving for America . I changed my dress and went to airport with eunji to see him off.

When we reached airport , exo were there already .

" where is Yeollie ?" i asked them

" He is on the way " baekhyun said

"Uhh....look Chanyeol " xiumin.said and we all turned around to see him

" where are your parents Chanyeol ? "luhan asked

" They were busy with their works " he told in sad tone

Then one by one everyone bid him farewell .

" Goodluck bro " suho said giving him a bro hug

" Take care " kris said

"Bye bye hyung , huhuhuhu " Tao said crying ㅠ.ㅠ

" Bye bro " maknae sehun said

" don't forget me " Kai said

" send me some American eyeliner when you get there , okay" baekhyun said

We all laughed because of him.

" bye bye yoda ears " D.O said

" Goodluck , i heard there are many hot girls in America " xiumin said

" yah ! He is already fixed with yuri" Eunji scolded xiumin

" hahaha i was just joking " xiumin said

" What if yuri falls for another man? " Chen the troll said

" hey! Chen don't say anything stupid" i said to chen

And what he did was merong . :-P

Such a child .

" take care bro " lay said

" Bye Yeollie take care " luhan said

Then Eunji went infront of him.

" Take care richie rich , but don't you dare to cheat on yuri when you are in America " she warned him

" I will never cheat on her " he said hugging me

" Good , but if i find out you cheating on her ....I will make sure to break your 206 bones of your body in such a way .......that no doctor in the world can fix it " she said

We all laughed at what she said .

Then it was my turn to bid him farewell . But my tears escaped faster than my words .

" Take care yeollie .... take your dinner on time and don't get sick .... don't play games till late night....make sure to call me when you are free.....don't forget me" i told him while crying

" Arasso, you too take care of yourself ...wake up early and don't be a sleeping beauty ....minimize your habit of playing mobile 24/7...and lastly don't fall for other men." he told me

I hugged him tightly and more tears escaped my eyes.We stayed in eachothers embrace for maybe 5minutes .

Then there was announcement for passengers going to America . They were called for boarding .

I realised it was time for him to go so i hugged him more tightly.

" yuri it is time for him to go " eunji said pulling me

I looked at chanyeol and saw he was crying too. He again hugged me and kissed my forehead .

" I'll be back just wait for me " he told and was about to go but i grabbed his hands signaling him not to go

" Yuri he will be back " xiumin assured me

I let him go. We bid eachother goodbye and he went. He was turning back frequently . I gave him a smile and he smiled too. I waved my hands to him.

I kept on looking until he disappeared in the crowd. I stayed in the airport until his plane take off.

" Hope to see you soon yeollie ah , please don't forget that i am here waiting for you " i said to myself

I returned home. My mom was in garden .

"Sweaty , did you see off your friend who is leaving for America ?" mom asked me

I nodded . I think she noticed my gloomy expression .

" Don't be sad , i am sure your friend will return soon" she said

" I hope so " i told and went to my room.

I stayed in my room for whole day and i don't know when i drifted in sleep . I woke up from the sound of my ringtone .

~~~Nal anahyejo ~~~
~~~Yeah ghude ga salgo inun gose nado hamkke dheryo gajo ~~~

" Yeobuseyo " -me

"Yebuseyo , yuri ah "

I immediately recognised it was yeollie

"yeollie ah, did you reach?"-me

" yes,i just reached my house"-yeollie

I looked time and it was already 5am in the morning .

"are you tired ?"-me

"a little "-yeollie

"okay then rest"-me

"but i want to talk with you"-yeollie

" you can talk other time but for now rest"-me

" okay then I'll call you later "-yeollie

" okay bye"-me

" stop stop "-yeollie


"I love you "-yeollie

" love you too "-me

Then the call ended. I went to shower because i had to go cafe with dad.


How was the chapter ? Hope you guys will like it .

Thank you !!!!!

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