chapter 4

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Jennie Pov

"i still would never picture you as someone who would send nudes?"

i groan, Jisoo hasn't let this slip yet. it's been two day since the altercation and he's managed to hold this simple mistake against me in nearly everything i do.

"i can't believe you're still obsessing over it."

Jisoo laughs before rolling his eyes. our relationship has changed. instead of it being chill there's tensiom between us. it's not awkward, but it's not normal.

he opens the door to his house and i throw my jacket on the coat hanger before lunging towards the couch. Jisoo groans loudly and turns towards me.

"i told you in the car, i called the couch."

"sorry bud."

i fake frown before rolling onto my stomach and changing the tv channels. Jisoo starts sobbing and i roll onto my back, facing him.

he's leaning over the couch crying real tears and i burst out laughing. he opens his eyes lightly to look at me before fake crying again. he is so sympathetic.

"stop whining. im tryna watch everybody hates chris!"

"no, let's watch bad girls club!"

"what the heck, Jisoo? how high are yo-"

"no, officer. it's 'hi, how are you.""

i burst out laughing, his laughter following closely behind. i watch one full episode of everybody hates chris before i go to the bathroom for a second.

when i come back, my seat is taken by Jisoo. i scream before jumping on top of him. Jisoo easily rolls me over so that he's on top of me. i look back at the screen as he slowly props himself lower so that his face is level with my stomache. out of no where he mouth fart's against my tummy and i burst out laughing. he starts laughing even harder, pulling my shirt up and doing it to my bare stomache now.

he blows harder, the sound making me burst into fits of giggles. i grab his shoulders to try and make him stop as my legs squirm around from underneath him. Jisoo stays steady, his hands trailing down to my waist and holding me steadily against the couch. i squeak loudly after he licks his lips and does it again.

i gasp, his wet lips on my bare stomach. i can't breathe, and it's definitely not because i'm laughing too hard.

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